Quick Hash Question


Well-Known Member
Title says it all. Can I make hash with all the leaves/stems or is it just the trimmings from the buds?



Well-Known Member
dont use the large fan leaves, use the bud trimmings or the bud its self if you want to, some people save their stems to make hash and some dont. your choice, if it has enough thc on it you can make hash with it basiclly.


Active Member

I just use all the practical trimmings, smaller stems yes, i mean, it all gets filtered with a silk screen of some kind to get the tasty resin anyway, so I can't imagine using stems would be a problem, however I highly doubt you'd get much out of them.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks, I was going to use the Ice method with the various bags rather than the silk screen method. Would this have any influence? I'm thinking i will use the small stems and the trimmings from the bud and forget the fan leaves. It's going to be for my personal use rather than anything else so I would rather get quality rather than quantity.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks, I was going to use the Ice method with the various bags rather than the silk screen method. Would this have any influence? I'm thinking i will use the small stems and the trimmings from the bud and forget the fan leaves. It's going to be for my personal use rather than anything else so I would rather get quality rather than quantity.

stem poke holes in your bags. fan leaves add a lot of dust and debri. i find it best to only use the bud leaves or the bud itself.


Active Member
I totally agree, no stems if your using the bag method.

That's why I prefer the screen method :)

:leaf: Royal :leaf: