Quick Question.

Would a 150 watt hps sun system carry Seedsman White Widow and Ufo Dna Sour Cream through Veg and flower? im only growing one of each probably in my closet. i wouldnt mind puting in some 2700k daylight cfls for flower if the 150 isnt enough.


yea, that would work. Although I'm am sure there is a minimal cut-off at some point, you can use any amount of light to grow, but the more light you have the more growth youll get. Don't expect to have a massive yield, but yea youll have some bud to smoke, maybe enough to last ya till your next grow is harvested.


Also I would like to add, just like about anything in life, how efficient you are at growing has more to do with it than the light your using. I am sure there are folks on this forum that could take a 150 watt light and out grow some that are using a 400 watt light.


Well-Known Member
I would add as many cfl's as possible. A 150 is pretty small. your puttin out about 16,000 lumens. Think about doing a mini scrog as well, you will be well rewarded with tons of bud.
well thanks for the replys and help but i also have anotehr question. im thinking about makig my own grow box out of plywood and mylar and shit and i was thinking to make the size like 2x2x7 would that be enough room for the 2 plants? i aiming to get like 2-3 ounces or more from each plant do u think i can pull it off with a 150 watter unless you guys knows where i can buy a bigger light for under 90$.


Well-Known Member
well thanks for the replys and help but i also have anotehr question. im thinking about makig my own grow box out of plywood and mylar and shit and i was thinking to make the size like 2x2x7 would that be enough room for the 2 plants? i aiming to get like 2-3 ounces or more from each plant do u think i can pull it off with a 150 watter unless you guys knows where i can buy a bigger light for under 90$.
No and Never If people could get that kind of yield with that amount of light, They would not spend the money on 400 600 and 1000 watt lights. I think you would be lucky to get more than an ounce out of a setup like you are describing. Good Luck