Quick sprouts


Well-Known Member
Here's a pictures of some plants I germinated on Friday (01/05/06). Seeds took about 3 days to get some roots. I put them in soil on Tuesday night, check it this morning and nothing. I come back from work 10 hours later and I see this and this. I don't have too high hopes for them though. Seeds were bag seeds and about 5 other of them never germinated. I put them in a
bigger box with 3 forty-some-odd watt cfls, I plan to add two more cfls. Gotta watch those cfls though, they can get pretty hot in a hurry :roll:. Also transplanted them before I moved them to the new box and gave them a good drink. Kinda excited to see them tomorrow night, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
i'll try to post new pics to night or tomorrow morning. i'm pleased with the growth of the plants. they seem to have taken to their new home pretty good.