Quick trimming question


Well-Known Member
my babies are about 3 weeks old now, and the first set of leaves on the bottom are unable to get any light now and are beginning to get droopy and shriveling a bit

my question is, should i clip these bottom sets off to help promote new growth elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
ya,,,,i would do something call lollipopping, its where u trim the lower 1/3 to encourage growing of the upper nugs and cola.


Well-Known Member
i think he just meant the bottom leaves. dont think hes flowering yet. you mean encourage new growth. mine are the same way man. im doin mine today . how close do i clip to the stem?


Well-Known Member
its sorta of a give and take the plant in the end wastes less energy extracting the last bits of nutrients from its older leaves (which is what your seeing) but also has to expend the energy necessary to heal the wound you create when pruning, one is natural and doesn't disrupt the natural process of the plant while the other cause it to change priorities in the belief its being attacked. I have no opinion either way just somthing to think about


Well-Known Member
don't prune your plants unless at or over 50 per cent of the leaf is dead/dying. and be very careful with your young plants when trimming/pruning. when they're older, you can just pull dead leaves right off the main chola, but right now, use scissors and cut as close as possibe to main cola.


Well-Known Member
Also, pruning promotes root development. make a cut on some healthy leaves, and watch over the next few days as your roots gain mass.


Active Member
im pretty sure it doesnt promote root growth roots and the top grow equally cut one the other stops until they are proportional again


Well-Known Member
the only thing that promotes root growth is letting the soil dry out...the roots search for water.....


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure it doesnt promote root growth roots and the top grow equally cut one the other stops until they are proportional again
all right whatever. it's not like i didn't read that in a book and in several articles. I've even seen tutorials on youtube about cloning, teaching that trimming the leaves promotes root development.

I also know from experience.


Well-Known Member
well im not sure about the root development but thats interesting. Il lhave to look into that, however i do know like porch said, if its almost dead 50% or w/e yea u should prolly take it off just to get rid of the dying leaves. It wont stop your plants growth dramaticaaly, sure it will need to heal the small cut, but that doesnt take much. Anyways good luck and keep toking. Peace out