Qwiso q&a


Well-Known Member
So I've been doing a few runs of some QWISO and i must say i do love this stuff. Well concentrates in general.

I figured a nice General FAQ/ Q & A thread would be nice for anyone to ask general QWISO questions or post howtos and such.

I Have a few questions I've been wondering, so i figured this is best place to ask.

1. I've been doing smaller 1/4oz batches. mostly nug with some stems and left over keif. 30sec MAX swirl ( usually around 20ish sec) and then pour. I do 3 separate washes. ( phone died, no pictures)
How come my first wash seems to yield less than the other 2? batch form last ended up 1st - .3 2nd - .5 3rd - .5

No real visual chlorophyll absorption ( green liquid ). my washes where actually very light in yellow color. once evap'd it left a nice thin gold/yellow wax and scraped into nice golden shatter. 1st also scraped up to that usual hash/white powerdyness with small amounts of sappy wax. once formed in parch paper it was a nice touchable piece.

2. I've come across a source for bulk amounts of trimming/clippings/stems. ( I am going to wait until summer to try out BHO for safety reasons and to build up supplies. )
Whats the best means for running these batches? Any preferred amount per jar everyone is doing? Like is it better to do 2 diff runs of 1/2oz each separately, or run 1 full oz in one jar for a wash?

3. Once all iso/water is visibly evappd, how long are you all letting it sit after? i try to make it evapd but still sticky/waxy enough to scrape without becoming pure tan powderyness. ( ps - i use turkey cooking tray and float my Pyrex in those with boiling water being changed out every 15mins in the tray to aid in evapping )

Thank and look forward to great into from all the great members of RIU!

Post away!


I'm in a similar position
I have been making a few extraction even some to test some results notably with kief, buds and vaporized left over.

About 1
I think this depends on the quality of your weed and kief. Did you put more kief in your extraction 2 and 3, or were your base plants better in THC, Itrough my exploration I tested 7 of of some M39 vs a 6Gof same M39 with 1 g of kief from the same M39
The 7g yielded 0.5 while the 6g with kief yieded 0.9 to me since were extracting THC off the plant the yeild depend on the % of THC initially in the product.

About 2
I dont know, I dont want to do BHO. I did QWISO, QWET, Propylen glycol, glycerine.
The next technique that appeal me is bubble or dry ice, not sure but the idea is just to pass water and ice trough some bag that has specific micron filters.

About 3
I think to help out your answer we need to know which alcohol and % you are using.
I mainly use 95% ethanol, some use iso between 91% and 99%
the & of alcohol really determine the evaporation time.
I let evap over 24 hours, I would say around 30h. I do this even if I see no more liquid after 4 hours.

I hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply.

In reply to :

1. all of my washes are 1 amount of bud. and just 3 runs through it. im just guessing its a more pure batch since its the first and hence the powdery dry hash i get compared to the others.

2. i was refering to doing ISO washes with larger amounts. just meant, ill save BHO type larger extractions for later, since most BHO howtos i see are larger amounts like oz+ . But i was curious as to running larger amounts with ISO since ive just been doing small runs.

3. i use 91%. Ive pretty much went until ive vaped all the visible liquid off and then keep checking its tackiness with a razor tip. then let sit then scrape. I have acess to 100% pure alc for hospital labs. finding out whats actually in it, and may try that out and see what i get just for shits.

thanks! any other input or anyones questions... throw em in here!


Well-Known Member
how is everyone handling thier shatter? im prefering the more of a snap n pull type consistency, but my first 2 run/washes always end up to shatter. annoying with pieces breaking all over. Any tricks to warm it up fast to make it slightly pliable? aside from warming in your fingers for like 10mins. i have a nice SS fine point dabber but hard to get a nice piece of shatter to stick to it without hte shatter breaking in a ton of pieces.


Well-Known Member
shatter is a perfectly beautiful/tasty stage ..

but it tends to snap, and you loose chips across the room etc..

if you want more of a taffy like substance,

you could try :
place that shatterness into some parchment paper. place parch onto a hot surface (110-150F) melt down, fold around and mush oil together for a few minutes.. remove from heat, let cool down, then peel back some parch, is it still shatter?.. repeat this process until you hit the desired consistency.. you are killing an unknown % of terps while you do this. but hey, you got some playdough..


Well-Known Member
yeah the heating up a few times was one thing i was thinking of doing but if im killing off terps then i dont wanna bother.

ill try out the warming the dabber tip idea. didnt even think about that. obv not torching or ill just melt my shit right there lol.

my 3rd wash seems to come out to a nice sap/shatter consistency. fairly brtille until warm in fingers for few seconds and then its nice and easy to pull a dab off of.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
And to try and answer your questions. 1. Im not sure i always more from 1st run then 2nd and never bother with 3rd wash. 2nd question. I put 60g in 1 quart mason jar. They also make 1/2 gallon jars. And 3. Ive been doing a no heat evap then light heat to make consistency i like. That takes 24-36 hours.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2962868

Hey guys, just thought I'd pop in and read a bit. New to dabbing, BHO was first but I'm not looking to kill myself or neighbors to get high. Leave that for the crackheads. Lol

ISO was so simple to get down. That is my 4th ever batch. You can see right through it...

Someone mentioned keif or other plant material. You guys may have far more knowledge in this area than I do but I'll share some tricks I use if you care to know.

First. I read everywhere not to leave the alcohol for the first wash in plant material for longer than 60 seconds max. 30 second washes are cleanest. Because of this I have a double filtration setup. Mesh strainer for plant material and coffee filter for impurities (keif and such) .

Today I added cheesecloth to the pyrex because I tend to drop bits off the top of the strainer right past my filter.
Today that didn't happen and its so beautiful. Lol.....

I myself use store bought 91%. And only a single wash... 30 second shake with a total time of 45 seconds in alcohol.


Well-Known Member
looks good dude.

Ive been doing 20sec washes. counting starts right after the pour. usually been doing the swirl and pour method with hot water bath and changing water every 20mins.

Next run this weekend im going to try oakleys pour thru method with a larger batch and using a elec griddle. and see what kind of consistency i get out of it compared to my usual glass/shatter.


Well-Known Member
Here's a good dab. ;)


Thundercat got me wanting to try out the natural evap. No heat. I use minimal heat now but I think my taste can improve slightly.


Well-Known Member
Nice dab!

Yeah ive been doing the air evap or slight hotwater bath to aid in evap. Im just an impatient person when it comes to waiting for things lol.

Gonna try out the oakley method, as im not liking the shatter consitancy to much. seems like i end up using it up faster since i cant just grab what i want and pull like with some nice sap.

Whats everyones prefered method?
common Swirl and pour?
oakleys pour thru method?

In his tut he runs it with an oz of product. i do more like 1/4oz runs so im wonder if its even worth trying the pour thru on a smaller run, or just sticking with my 20sec swirl method for now.

doesnt hurt to try i guess...


Well-Known Member
Oakleys method(I don't know what it is, never read the thread) but simply lessening iso's contact through a pour through method will actually be more likely to give shatter.. you can easily turn shatter to wax....when finishing the purge, having a lack of impurities creates the shatter where extra fats oils polar acids and just plain ickies will make it runnier.. I'm not talking about turning shatter to wax or decarbing

The slower you purge the more flavorful compounds retained

I used to do a pour through. I don't like it, harder to do for me. Plus I feel I get the same quality as when I did run iso through a tube like bho
That was also before I ran fresh frozen too


Well-Known Member
greatly appreciate the input.

Looks like im just going to stay with my swirl n pour method. But going to try the hotplate evap/purge method this time instead of hot water.

Guessing im gettin the shatter like consitency due to properly extracting and getting a good pure batch. Mine come out very light yellow. no green chloro.

Thanks King!


New Member
heat it up ad few drops depending on how much shatter you have of water it wil work way better in vape pen as it needs a little moisture to vape proper


Well-Known Member
its easy if you have a container you can sit on a heating pad for a few. mine usually takes like a half hour to heat back up to a pliable state