Rabbits - aka Crop Hoppers


Active Member
What is the best way to prevent rabbits from eating my girls when I put them out?

Last year I put out a few girls and they got eaten the first night


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
predator piss works good..like wolf pis and coyote piss...you can buy it

garlic might help out to..so will a cage of some type to protect em...use yur imagination and you will find lotsa shit


Well-Known Member
product called liquid fence or you can just put up fence but the liquid fence works great it's what i use and never lose them to deer or rabbit's lowe's or someplace like that should carry it.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
product called liquid fence or you can just put up fence but the liquid fence works great it's what i use and never lose them to deer or rabbit's lowe's or someplace like that should carry it.
i wonder whats in it? might be some piss...maybe panther piss.....the piss keeps some animals away!

Bud Farmer

Well-Known Member
The Coyote pee works OK, just have to use it every week or so. I use chickenwire to build cages . About a ft tall is all you need. Cut about a 4ft peice 1ft tall and wrap it end to end to make a round cage and connect it. I also put a top on mine made from the same wire.

The liquid fence sounds like something I may also look into.


Well-Known Member
The liquid fence smell's more like dirty ass than piss but iv'e tried piss and it needs reapplied to often the liquid has been in my backpack for three years now and it's impressed me no more carrying wire or hiding wire at the end of the year if you plan on growing in the same spot. Besides i feel wire makes them more visible to people and chopper's. i try to make mine look natural like they belong there.


Well-Known Member
Liquid fence is mainly putrid eggs an hot pepper I believe.
It worked for a few weeks tell they got eaten. Witch is twice as long as the unprotected ones, lol.

I lost 20 last year tell, I got my cages figured out.
I had to go with 1/4 in square cage (Hardware Screen), cause mice/rats would get right in the chicken wire.
I also had to protect the roots cause rabbit dug right in under the cage. I used wire root cages last year, this year im using 5 gal buckets.
And I also make wire tops for the cages cause deer go right in the top an eat em.

But I got a hand full of small late start clones to harvest.
This year Im hoping for large ladies.


Well-Known Member
I always reapply it everytime i'm at my plant's around here it's only ten dollars a bottle and a bottle goes a long way. I don't know about mice though iv'e never had a mouse problem mainly deer and rabbit's. Granted putting up a fence is nice but most of my holes are 6x6 or bigger and i feel a fence makes them way to visible. Besides i have hunter's in every inch of the woods i am in during winter months and if they see fence rolled up and stashed away you better believe their coming back next year to steal it. I plant an average of 100 or more plants a year outside and never lose them to deer or rabbit's anymore.


Active Member

I will try the liquid fence if I can find it and will use chicken wire in some areas where the rabbits are a bigger problem.

I did some reading apparently pepper mixed with water and a bit of egg sprayed on the plants when they are small will stop animals eating the leafs due to the taste.
The heat of the pepper is supposed to deter anything from eating the leafs and the egg should help the liquid stick to the leaf long enough for it to dry. Do you think its worth a shot or will it damage the plant.