Raccoons or stray cats

Hello- so I'm trying to grow one last set of autos before the frost hits in late December. I have had my pots in my guerilla grow area and have now had 3 pots dug into and plants ripped out. I can only imagine they are smelling the fish emulsion in the soil or one of the amendments. Does anyone have a simple way of keeping critters from diggging into the pots ? I was thinking the deer netting that the landscapers put over the flowers may work. Any suggestions? Thank you for your time


Well-Known Member
I use metal forks I put them handle down, prongs up in the soil around the plants, stops cats, not sure about raccoons.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
Piss in the area around where your growing. A lot of animals won't come near your scent. You can find Fox urine at Sporting Goods Stores.


Well-Known Member
They make solar powered electric fence boxes. Places like Tractor Supply Company sell fairly small units like a 3 mile. Small rolls of wire also. Considering one plant can be worth $200-$400+. Light the critters up. Stop that crap from happening from the start.


Well-Known Member
Try moth balls. They're relatively cheap. The camphor smell is strong. I used to use them to keep cats away.


Well-Known Member
Make sure your not using fish ferts or anything in the soil that might be appealing to critters.Those little basterds got a few of my girls over the years!