Radiation and Growing


New Member
Honestly, what are you gonna do about it?? Wrap your house in lead?Wear a hazmat suit for the rest of your life? Know what? Smoke weed, it fights cancer , and dont worry about it. We've been getting all the air pollutants from the asian countries for decades. Most of our food supply has been genetically modified,treated with pesticides and preservatives, and our water has been filled with Industrial waste,flouride,hormones,and who knows what else. At this point the low levels of radiation your gonna get on yhe west coast are of no concern.Our local news did a story on everyday radiation and guess what, have any granite around you? Has naturally high levels of radiation,some statues they tested pegged the gieger(sp?) counter.So just relax, roll up a fatty and wait-this is just the begining of THE END! mmwaahhh!! LMAO

I am become death,destroyer of worlds-oppenheimer

Thanks, that's a much saner answer. So basically we have a lot of work to do manifesting a clear, clean world environment. We have the technology, we have the resources, and we have so many intelligent beings who have the will and the heart, all we need is a shift in priorities at the top most levels of society. C'mon Earth! Let's do this.


Well-Known Member
i keep trying to point out earth has been trying the whole time....to wipe us out.
...it would solve all the other problems quite handily too i might add.

ever notice how one stupid jerk can manage to make a traffic jam 6 miles long despite every single other driver being intelligent enough to have the correct priorities?
we're screwed i tell ya, so why fret about it?


Active Member
Did you know that everyone has a very very small amount of radiation in them from chernobal. We got it from dairy products.


Well-Known Member

...and my blood probably has trace amounts of dino piss in it as well...*shrugs*..the molecules...they just recycle

can't do anything bout either one i'm afraid


Well-Known Member
LMFAO people are worried about their plants, fuck your plants im sure if there is enough radiation in the air to fuck up you plants then you are most likely fucked too.


Well-Known Member
Jesus talk about over reaction, if you've ever had an X-ray you were probably exposed to 1000x the radiation already concentrated on one small part of the body! We're constantly being exposed to radiation, from everywhere; the ground, sea, sun, air...they all have it. Unless you live beside the plant, stop freaking out!


Well-Known Member
Look. Back in the 40's we made parts of Japan GLOW with radioactive fallout. We put more radioactive dust into their air then they would have if all of their reactors caught fire. And we in the United States didn't see anything coming from that. i really really wouldn't worry about your plants.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Are you from Japan? If so, my condolences for the recent devastation.

If you're anywhere near the troubled reactor, I suggest you smoke everything at your disposal and get the fuck away.

If you live in America and you have just been watching too much Fox news...you have nothing to worry about.
If he HAS been watching Fox then he has plenty to worry about. :o


Well-Known Member
Oh and don't forget to feed your plants plenty of iodine.

I know this was a joke but people will think they should feed iodine to their plants and I would bet that isn't good for smoking.

Please don't feed iodine to your cannabis plants. It's not a protection or treatment for radiation and might cause health problems if people smoke buds with iodine on them.

If this was a crop we would eat only then maybe it would be okay but we get iodine in our salt and other foods already.


I welcome a counter point to this if I have this wrong but I don't think we need to feed iodine.