Radical ideas; Some are just that, others could be beneficial


Active Member
What's up guys. Haven't been on here for sooooo long! When are they going to change the main page and put some new stories? Jack Herrer was a great guy and all, and ole' Cheech and Chong will forever inhabit my movie collection, but come on. Current events please!!

Anyways, back to the point. I read this book the other day, a general narrative on the electromagnetic spectrum and it's various uses. Sort of off topic, but none the less interesting, was the mention of a botanical technique used to produced MASSIVE fruit bearing crops.

According to this book, researchers some years ago applied ultrasonic frequencies to stimulate the roots of plants (how exactly I'm unsure) and it resulted in "lemons... the size of grapefruits!" And I quote.

Now, I don't know about you, but 'Nugzz the size of footballs and as dense as grandma's puddin' sure sound fucking amazing to me! The concept is so radical in my opinion, and so far out, the it just leads me to ponder other groundbreaking, earth shaking agricultural techniques that could have similar outcomes. Let me know what you guys think? If you've ever heard of something like this, and any other bizarre experiments you've done, came across, or even heard through the grapevine. Collaboration and conversation is great. This is particularly theoretical so come one and come all!


Active Member
Yeah I imagine something to that effect. Though I also wouldn't pay a price like that. Personally I would just rather convert some junk electronic device into a sub/super sonic wave generator with scraps. A learning experience AND cost effective.

And the book I read was called Transcending the Speed of Light. It would be a lot of off topic reading just for the excerpt about the sonic waves utilized in growing. But if you enjoy a general scientific narrative, then you might enjoy the book. Lot's of interesting information.