Rage vs. The Nuge


Well-Known Member
What is it with liberals here bashing on Ted Nugent for being too extreme, but will quote or upload a video of Rage Against The Machine to say a point?

Don't get me wrong, Rage was a ground breaking band.

But they are the most socialist, anti American band of all time!

Who's political beliefs would you rather have governing this country?
1.) Ted Nugent
2.) Rage

I'll take the Nuuuuuge!


Well-Known Member
Where did all the socialists go?

It's ok. I wouldn't admit to backing Rage's political beliefs either.


New Member
Nuge is an asbsolute moron, Rage is not socialist and super badass, you suck dude...nuge is a fucking idiot..he is actually pro war..



Well-Known Member
Ted Nugent is Pro War
Now you are using Londonfog logic. The one where you magically take on all the attributes of anyone you agree with on anything. The one where if you agree with , oh I don't know, Rush Limbaugh's personal hygiene schedule, then you also MUST agree with everything the man has ever said or done. If you liked the way Mao Zedong combed his hair, you also are a raging murdering tyrant. If you like the way Marilyn Monroe looked, you are also like suicide.


New Member
Now you are using Londonfog logic. The one where you magically take on all the attributes of anyone you agree with on anything. The one where if you agree with , oh I don't know, Rush Limbaugh's personal hygiene schedule, then you also MUST agree with everything the man has ever said or done. If you liked the way Mao Zedong combed his hair, you also are a raging murdering tyrant. If you like the way Marilyn Monroe looked, you are also like suicide.
Well...I am wrong for assuming that your right..its just I don't like ted nugent solely because he is pro-war


Well-Known Member
Well...I am wrong for assuming that your right..its just I don't like ted nugent solely because he is pro-war
I like some of his opinions, and some I don't like at all. As far as Nuge the man? I don't really know him, but he seems a hell of a lot more passionate than most people are.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I don't like The Nuge because of the way he treats women, animals and is pro-war. I pretty much don't like him for his anti-humanitarian philosophies period. The Rage is anti-humanitarian too. They're throw the baby out with the water, whatever it takes to get rid of the water. I vote neither.

"The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend."