Raided by the police


Well-Known Member
I think that's why most people get caught, because they sell and make "mad" money. They spend it all and cops get suspicious. Then it gets "raw." LOL.


Well-Known Member
apparently the australians suffer from a similar irony deficiency as the americans...
Hey Yo!

Made me laugh, but then again, coming out of Miami and SoBro, there's a lot to laugh at.

Repeat all that with a Haitian accent, you'll get the point. Latinos and the inner city boys are passe.

So are Glocks. It's Sig's for the well heeled gangsta now.



Active Member
Ohhhhh, I see.

Well its true... I mean you can buy whatever you wanna buy specially if its things that don't have to be in somebody's name like a house or a car... but even then its as simple as getting a solid gf and put that shit in her name... either way selling drugs is stupid and not worth it!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think selling is worth the risk but hey, I wouldn't be growing weed if I didn't have a drug dealer in my life. Lol. I'm pretty sure we all wouldn't


Active Member
Yeah, I don't think selling is worth the risk but hey, I wouldn't be growing weed if I didn't have a drug dealer in my life. Lol. I'm pretty sure we all wouldn't
not true alot of people grow weed to get the drug dealer out of their lives!!!


Well-Known Member
hey i was readin this thread and LOL so fuckin long i had to leave my 2cents. to the guy wit the dea agent under ur wing, man u tell a good story but please stop wit the BS and stop talkin like that u sound like a wanna b wigga. and to the OP i also think ur story is BS. first of if they have a warrant and they got 25 plants plus paraphenelia and i aint go to jail?


Active Member
Yeah DEA is an awesome show but thats not how I know... I've been locked up a few times and I know whats what!! I use to travel up north to sell E and weed... you get $60 for a gram of pot there and $50 for a pill of E... i would take a P of green and 1000 pills everytime I went up (do the math).. with in 6 weeks it would all be gone and I would be laughing... got pinched in the airport one time and got banned from nunavut...

wow it took you 6 weeks to drop a boat damn dude thats slow as fuck!!! haha i was droppin off a boat a week when i was into that shit.:bigjoint:


Active Member
I wish i could get the 30 seconds of time back that i wasted reading this idiots posts. I would love to walkout of a grocery store and have this kid and his glock try rob me it would be up his ass then in his mouth so fast he would not even be able to call for his mom but i guess he would be happy cause it would taste like sheppereds pie lol


Well-Known Member
I wish i could get the 30 seconds of time back that i wasted reading this idiots posts. I would love to walkout of a grocery store and have this kid and his glock try rob me it would be up his ass then in his mouth so fast he would not even be able to call for his mom but i guess he would be happy cause it would taste like sheppereds pie lol
LOL. was a waste of time readin it but had a good time laughin


Well-Known Member
/\You guys talking about the kid who said the had the DEA on his payroll and is growing that mad norfolk dank, or the OP? Net is going really slow so don't feel like loading all the pages in this thread but interested how the OP wasn't arrested.