Rain !! Help !!!


Last nite i was informed it was going to rain so i started on my cover and didnt finish and they got SOAKED all night !!! Should i just pull and dry or if i finish my cover will they dry with fans under the cover ??? It's supposed to rain agian ( just checked the weather channel and its going to be raining all week except for one day )and most people in this area will go another 2 to 3 weeks before they pull ( without getting wet ) ! Also will them getting rain on all night will that ruin the potency ??? HELP :wall:


Well-Known Member
why would rain be bad? Take that cover off, living things need water. They will be just fine the only thing you need to worry about is the cold 36f or below start covering


Well-Known Member
why would rain be bad? Take that cover off, living things need water. They will be just fine the only thing you need to worry about is the cold 36f or below start covering
What are you talking about, man?!?! No, they do NOT want to be rained on when they're heavily budding...That water will get trapped inside the buds and start to mold and cause budrot. Yes, living things need water, but not sprayed onto the full figured buds of a weed plant...If you can cover them, and get a couple fans on them, that might help...but depending on how mold resistant your strains are, you're probably gonna suffer some budrot.


Thanks for the input and after talking to a friend he said the same on the fans but also to mabey just pull and take a couple weeks loss !?!? Lesson learned i guess ...:wall:


One night of rain isn't going to hurt it much. Shake off excess water, put cover over it and keep an eye out for any sign of mold. There is no reason to pull just because they got rained on last night.


Well-Known Member
also is the being rained on all night going to mess with the potencey ??
Yeah, I wouldn't chop them either, unless the trichome heads are mostly cloudy. It's a shame to chop early...But no, THC is not water soluable, so the rain will not effect the potency...It doesn't "knock off" the trichomes, it just causes mold issues. But if you can air them out thoroughly with the fans, and keep a close eye on them, maybe try letting them go another week or 2?


Well-Known Member
i live in ontario it rained for 3 days and now were geting two weeks or sun......rain is good and it gets ON the plant not IN it. rain is not the end all and be all. If it pours for 3 days or more MAYBEE you will have a problem but its rain! keep an eye on them and let them grow. its is a plant and it is living and it needs water. The one thing i noticed about growing is people make it way harder than it needs to be, its a weed weeds grow in all conditions.

I had plants hacked down and the branches they left made some huge buds my plant never went into "shock" as many people say it would if you cut more than 30% off it was 90% and the stalk busted up 6" from the ground 4 weeks later the buds were huge and they are drying now in the celler.

Take whatever info you want but its the internet anyone can say anything :) I have no scientific evidence plants need rain, or dont like it im just blabbing about my experience.

plus the weather man lies he said 4-7 days of rain and it was 3 with rain on and off

check out this thread along the same line of yours https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/472566-weeks-rain-cold-temps.html


Well-Known Member
they wont mold if they have air flow which they wont covered. My bud gets rained on i dont cover them and wow what do you know there is never any mold. Rain does nothing unless its 80% humidity. I dought they will get hurt at all from the rain but cover it all you like your just trapping moisture regarless of fans.


Well-Known Member
yes if its hot and humid outside then yes rain is bad but at this time when its cool durring the day and cold at night mold has a hard time growing in the cold it like hot and humid


Well i ended up pulln 9 of em that were SOAKING wet (like branchs breaking) and the others are under a the tarps and easy ups with no sides and fans runnin under em . I read all of your guys helpful and appreciated advise THEN went to my buddy and he said as long as there are no side's on the coverage and its up high enough the wind will do alot of the work (which we get a good amount of) but to also add fans and watch for the sun like a hawk !?


Also what is the best microscope to get ?? Ive heard 30x30 and 60x60 .... Dont want to go to small but dont want to pay for overkill that dont need !! O and brand name or somewhere to pick one up would be helpful too . :bigjoint:


I have a 30x loupe and it's been great to me. Got it for $5 on eBay. Just remember that the higher the magnification, the tougher it'll be to hold still and be able to see what you're looking at. So yeah i'd recommend a 30x, its plenty! Check my grow thread if you want examples.