

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that you americans or canadians on here didnt get this kids tv program when you were younger.

This is a program from when i was younger called rainbow, as kids we all just sat and watched not really knowing what was going on.

This is a legit episode that would not get played today due to the content and its suggestiveness please have a look at what we grew up with and see how television makers have been warping childrens minds without them knowing. LOL

YouTube - UK rainbow 70's rude Clips



New Member
The innuendo's in todays kids programmes are not as obvious. These programmes are made by adults, we have to amuse ourselves somehow. Kids are wonderfully naive.


Well-Known Member
Man thats funny stuff.

I used to watch benny hill when i was really young Solely because it was funny .I was oblivious to the sexual themes and innuendos at the time.


Well-Known Member
Remember that show dragon ball z?

Master roshi was a fuckin pervert.
He always had that girl walkin around his little island house in that bunny costume. :)
thats not as much of an innuendo as it is just plain obvious