Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS


Well-Known Member
hell yes get to makin some hash and post some pics of the process man damn im excited for yall
i'll get some pics of when we go to pull the bags out, just mixing the stuff and waiting to let it sit is boring....i got like 25 more minutes till i can even start pullin bags out


Well-Known Member
yeahman rub it the fuck in why dont you lol. damn, lucky ass yall. im getting some of those bubble bags for shure they look too good to pass up and the easiest way besides the hand labor.


Well-Known Member
heres the first run through, dried and rolled together. half a gram. waiting on the second run through to dry. should be half a gram too.



Well-Known Member
Just stopin bye to see on my fellow texas grower,hope alls good.I took the link out of my sig,was getting to many ppl if ya no what i mean,But my BlueberryxAK47 cross is coming along pretty good i lost my grow in my trays when my heater went out in my grow areas,lucky i keep me moms somewhere else.Fricken wind is blowing 45 gusts.If you cant find my grow PM me il tell you where its at.


Well-Known Member
I think I need to go do some hash research. If someone has some tips - please stop by my grow for any cheap ways to get it out of trim. I might be dumb by saying that because most of the ways I've seen include using those bags that aren't so cheap! lol


Well-Known Member
I think I need to go do some hash research. If someone has some tips - please stop by my grow for any cheap ways to get it out of trim. I might be dumb by saying that because most of the ways I've seen include using those bags that aren't so cheap! lol
i think there is a few ways on how to do it cheap in the growfaq and the DIY section