Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
see4, don't beat up on the kid too much, we are on the same team. Washington's did infact write about seperating male and females which does lead to the speculation that he may have had cannabis plants. I think it was referenced in 1967 or 68 with the writing of a book called "The history of Indian Hemp." Or a title very close to it.
kinetic, I get your guy's argument, but speculating that he grew cannabis for the THC is more of a stretch than he grew it for hemp. Just because GW wrote in a journal he separated males from females does not necessarily mean he smoked weed. That's what we call, a leap in logic. We do know as a matter of fact that he harvested hemp fibers for the production of paper and material goods. So my conclusion is in fact not a leap in logic, it is a statement of plausible deduction.

Marijuana was taboo during his time. And as a man of his prowess it is more reasonable to assume he grew for hemp fibers rather than for "getting high as fuck".

edit: and by prowess i should have stated, socioeconomic prowess.


Well-Known Member
sunni. ever since you became global the site has been acting funny. did you put the servers on a vegan diet or something?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I had to take a break just now to catch a bat upstairs hahahaha, My boy came down scared to death lol.
big bad dad got the ol' fishin net out and caught that sucker and turned him loose outside.


Well-Known Member
maybe i should be a moderator. whom do I see about that? sunni, can you stop flirting with me for just one second and help me become a moderator? kthnxbye.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm sitting here toasted out of my mind, with a half gallon of Denali Extreme Maximum Fudge Moose Tracks ice cream in my lap. ...and a spoon.