RANDOM PLANT FIND... transplant then started dying... PLEASE HELP ME

ok so i was playing soccer in my backyard and i found a random plant just growning in my backyard... all my other plants are inside under lamps but THIS plant was different... it grew ALL by itself!!

i havent seen or noticed or touched or had ANYTHING to do with this plant until about an hour and half ago...

it seems almost about a month and a hlaf old... some scent of weed but not 100% noticable... about 2-3 weeks from flowering...

so after i found it i decided i had to move it and i dug it up and moved it into some normal miricle grow soil and a two gallon bucket...

the sun was already going down and so now alas it has settled but one MAJOR PROBLEM...

it has started droooping EXTREMLY...

i think it wont survive the night because of just how bad its drooping i have no idea what to do at this time with no sun and i need some help please... it is female so im hoping for buds i just need to bring her back to life...

possible problems...

!.transplant took too many roots off
2.medium change fucked it up
3.sudden uprooting of such a mature plant

ill pictures in about an hour i need to set up my camera...

please help untill i can upload them


Well-Known Member
Give it some support. Tie it up somehow. Did you bury it all the way to the first set of leaves?
Give it some support. Tie it up somehow. Did you bury it all the way to the first set of leaves?

ok ill just try and tie it right now...

the first set of leave are drooping but im resting them on the brim of the bucket...

pictures in a few minutes


Well-Known Member
Transplant shock, if you start noticing it sags during the day and "rises" at night, or yellowing fan leaves then you need to start babying it. By babying I mean keeping it out of harsh environments like the hot sun and the strong wind. Keep it cooled and mist it alot, it lost alot of root mass im assuming. If you plan on transplanting it, bury it up to its first set of healthy leaves, cut everything else off. (pics would help)


Well-Known Member
its jus what happens when you transplant at first without time to bounce back with sun id give it a few days and itll prolly perk up but i wouldnt of transplanted if it was showin sex cus stress like this can cause hermies bro


Well-Known Member
hopefully not it doesnt look shrivled jus really shocked so jus take care of her and if your lucky itll perk back and most likley itll be stunted badly and youll be lucky if it dont go madonna on you lol i kno shes not a shim but yeah lol


Active Member
just water it well and it should perk up in a day or so. worked for me anyway with this random plant that i pulled up and even had the roots exposed to air for like 15 minutes, which i wouldnt recommend with your precious plants, as this was just a weed, and not that kind of weed, but anytime any of my plants looks like that, i water it and it perks back up within a few hours to a day. always water when you transplant. I transplant with no dirt on the roots sometimes, i just do it quick, deep, and into some moist potting mix. havent had one die either.


Active Member
Ha, That s the look of a severely under watered plant. That is not healthy!! Ever! That is not a normal transplant look!! Minor drooping is one thing, his plant is completely wilted over. You know plants work by osmosis right??? If the soil is dry the plant will do the same.

You should transplant after watering, makes shit easier and you don't get that "Normal transplant shock" as you say. Shit, shock is not a healthy word in itself. Why would you say that it is normal????


Well-Known Member
Dude...stfu...i'm just trying to be positive for him...it's going to pull through...it's normal for a plant that size to do that after a tranplant.

Just stake it up dude if you have to...3 days or so she'll be happy again.


Well-Known Member

Oh yeah also...plants droop when they are over-watered also....so why are you saying they are under watered?


Active Member
Ha, because it is easily identifiable if they are over watered. Because they will "droop" depending on how over watered they are. "Wilting" is what I would describe an under watered plant would show. The plant he was pictured is severely "wilting".

Lol at that idiot.


Well-Known Member

Either way, it's going to pull through. Just give it a few days, water it as you normally would.