Rapid Rooters in Grow Box?


Active Member
I have a grow box/cabinet 2.5x2.5x3
Running 2 fans for intake an exhaust
Im using a 200watt 6400k bulb

I just picked up some rapid rooters and humidty dome. After i place my germinated seeds in rapid rooters should i place the tray in the grow box with the light? Or should i wait till they sprout in the tray


Active Member
Im still trying to understand how a plant knows which way is up and which way is down when there is no light on them....Can someone please explain this to me????


Active Member
gravity? it follows the path of most resistance? I use my lights to keep my grow area warm. Otherwise it would be around 50-60 degrees. Running the lights can't hurt, besides on your electric bill.


Active Member
gravity? it follows the path of most resistance? I use my lights to keep my grow area warm. Otherwise it would be around 50-60 degrees. Running the lights can't hurt, besides on your electric bill.[/QUOTE

Very true.....But how far do you think i should keep my 200watt from the seedlings?


Active Member
gravity? it follows the path of most resistance? I use my lights to keep my grow area warm. Otherwise it would be around 50-60 degrees. Running the lights can't hurt, besides on your electric bill.
Very true.....But how far do you think i should keep my 200watt from the seedlings?
200w CFL? thats what I'm guessing by the 6500k. either way I'd just put your hand under it if it feels "too hot" for your hand after 30 seconds or so its most likly too hot for the plants.

I would run it 3-4 inches above your humidity dome, you don't want that melting. before I got my dome I was jus rocking clear plastic cups with a whole or two popped in them for some ventilation I accidentally melted one or two. but as you can see i was getting pretty darn close.

