Rawn Pawl is not a libertarian. He is a fascist vanguard.


Well-Known Member
Last Time I checked, Libertarians don't argue in favor of and campaign for fascist statis like Obama for a year straight
Must not check the mirror. YOu been campaigning for the biggest most racist Hypocritical Facist politics have seen in a long time named Ron Paul

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

According to Abandon, I'm a shitty parent. My oldest son gets priveldge my two younger ones don't. This is apparently unfair. My oldest has the ability to eat pretzel M&Ms, because he doesn't choke on them. What should I do oh wise one? I don't want to give my children the impression I support tyranny. Should I continue to give them as treats and reward, or tell him pretzel M&Ms are tyranny?


New Member
"Obama 2012!"

AbadonConflict on using force to take property from its owners:
"No, I said it was probably inevitable. I oppose that and I oppose the conditions that would make that an option. "

"I'm probably going to vote for Rawn Pawl"

"The only interest I have in voting is to keep Mitt from becoming president and ordering an invasion to search for WMDs in Iran."

"Because I'm a patriotic American and an Oathkeeper."

"Typical black guy."

"It seems to me like all the cab drivers are either Somalian or Yemeni. I ate at a Mexican restaurant in North Carolina and ordered in Spanish to a guy I thought looked Mexican, he was actually Iraqi."

"You have two choices at least for this election, one will promise to reduce taxes, and instead rob you by simply printing more money for military purposes, the other will tax progressively and liberally spend the revenue mostly at home. This is what the trends indicate anywho. "

Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."

Abadon Conflict defending obama:
"No recollection of a stimulus, repealed Bush era tax cuts, discontinued war in Iraq? "

AbadonConflict Defending Obama on Violations of Civil Rights:
"Dumb ass, it would be easier to name presidents that have not done this than it would be to name the ones who have in the last half century."

Defending Obama for being in the status quo:

Defending Obama on Marijuana:

Defending Obama Care which taxes the middle class:

On Defending Obama:
"I'll keep defending that motherfucker too."

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Must not check the mirror. YOu been campaigning for the biggest most racist Hypocritical Facist politics have seen in a long time named Ron Paul
Rallying a foreign policy of get the fuck out and leaving them alone to live their lives how they see fit is fascist?


Well-Known Member
The only interest I have in voting is to keep Mitt from becoming president and ordering an invasion to search for WMDs in Iran.

Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."
You hate the constitution? I'm surprised.

So how many lies did I tell about Obama?


Well-Known Member
Rallying a foreign policy of get the fuck out and leaving them alone to live their lives how they see fit is fascist?
Opposing all worker rights and safety measures is facist
How does Ron Paul stand on
-minimum wage
-Department of Labor
-Civil Rights laws?


Active Member
Here is a libertarian.

Laissez Faire is the doctrine of Social Darwinism. In fact, the phrase, "Survival of the fittest" was not coined by Charles Darwin, but by right wing British economist Herbert Spencer. Laissez Faire can not exist with out a state to protect the property of the privileged against the working class. Therefore Rawn Pawl's "free-market" philosophy is not libertarian at all, but quite statist. If the state is privatized, complete tyranny will ensue, this is feudalism.

Reading too many books can hurt you.....you just want a reason to take from someone who earned and give it to one who earned nothing.Its that simple.Who cares who came up with the phrase.Not relevant.What relevant is whether its true or not....Survival of the fittest is truth and should be practiced from a philosophical view.The "Fittest" in our society are EXTREMELY giving and helpful to the less fortunate.The problem is we have a bunch of takers,leaches,moochers,and vampires.The fittest allow our society to be "healthy"...Not perfect but still good


Well-Known Member
Reading too many books can hurt you.....you just want a reason to take from someone who earned and give it to one who earned nothing.Its that simple.Who cares who came up with the phrase.Not relevant.What relevant is whether its true or not....Survival of the fittest is truth and should be practiced from a philosophical view.The "Fittest" in our society are EXTREMELY giving and helpful to the less fortunate.The problem is we have a bunch of takers,leaches,moochers,and vampires.The fittest allow our society to be "healthy"...Not perfect but still good

Actually, "survival of the fittest" was a phrase coined by right wing economist Herbert Spencer, not by Darwin. It is an inapt description of natural selection. Ayn Rand collected social security.


Active Member
Actually no, you have a very vague picture of what my ideas are, I like it that way. You are very aware that you're a dystopian zionist.
dystopian zionist....Listen man.The decline of society is due to many things.Many of the declines are deep rooted.You do not need your hero MR.Russel to tell you how to think.Philosophers are nothing more than opinionated stuffy assholes who think they know everything.Mr.Russel hated everyone so how the hell can you agree with someone who thought cause he could add/subtract real good he was smart in the humanities.He got the nobel prize...so did Obama.He hated god.He tried to make people think he really cared.."Man the product of causes ... his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms, that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave".Who gives a Fuck.So he thought we are just a blob of shit.Does that sound fancy enough?He talked about the "Children"big fuckin deal.How the fuck do you argue against the "children".Straw man arguments are bullshit.Form opinions of your own and quit tryin to tell us a how smart you are.....


Well-Known Member
Philosophers are nothing more than opinionated stuffy assholes who think they know everything
Thanks. I'll just adopt your way of thinking. You're way smarter than Noam Chomsky.

Don't read Bertrand Russel's books, he is an opinionated stuffy ass hole who hated god.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

According to Abandon, I'm a shitty parent. My oldest son gets priveldge my two younger ones don't. This is apparently unfair. My oldest has the ability to eat pretzel M&Ms, because he doesn't choke on them. What should I do oh wise one? I don't want to give my children the impression I support tyranny. Should I continue to give them as treats and reward, or tell him pretzel M&Ms are tyranny?
do you also use your "Monopoly on the Use of Force" to Hierarchically Compel him to use the toilet instead of wallowing in a soiled diaper like noam chomsky does?

i bet you use FORCE to makew him eat his brussels sprouts too...

bad bunny no carrot!


Well-Known Member
Chomsky is a genius! For anyone who hasn't read him, you should. And he is NOT a philosopher by any means. He is one of the leading linguistics academics ever. His knowledge of it combined with an objective, non-zenphobic study of history is what makes him seem a philosher. But before anyone tried to diss him, you need to listen to him. I challenge anyone to tell mewhere he is wrong is his analysis. I don't mean because you don't like his conclusions, I mean tell me where he is factually incorrect or where his analysis goes astray.

I posted a thread on Obamacare asking those vehemently against it to tell me what they thing should be done. I don't love the bill, but I have my ideas on where we should go. Amazing how only one person offered anything up despite another thread full of paranoia and anger about it.

So in the same vain oh critics of Chomsky, tell me where he is incorrect?


Well-Known Member
His son, named after Ayn Rand hasn't lost yet. Millions of hipsters continue to be led astray by a dystopian worldview with an oxymoron for a name (anarchocapitalism in case you're retarded) and you think now is the time to just shut up and praise Obama? You don't belong in a political forum. You're clearly not here to debate.
LOL rand is short for randal you dope, he wasn't named after ayn rand.