Re-Vegging a cutting to clone AFTER harvest?...PIC


Well-Known Member
I don't have the ability to do both veg stage and flower stage at the same time. Grow room is only 5ft long by 2 ft wide and 8 ft tall, just not enough room. I wanted to know if I could re-veg my harvested best female with a clone cutting and going back to 24/24. I have researched this, but can't seem to find a definitive answer. Some say yes, some say I'd get a slower growing plant, thereby defeating the reason to clone best plant. Anyone have any experience with this or know someone who did? I have some Northern Lights/Skunk feminized in week 5 of flower and one plant is at least 2 weeks slower than the other and looks different too.:? Almost makes me think I got a different strain mixed in with the 5 I bought, but that doesn't make much sense either.:wall: I attached a pic of the 2 plants so you can see the difference. That bud in the middle of the pic is from the better plant in back. :bigjoint::leaf:bongsmilie:weed:"Mmmmmmmm Ganja"



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes you can. i took a clone 6 weeks in flower and is doing very well. it does takea long time just to start verting back. you willno when you see single blade leafes comeing on. i cut the clone on 3-8-09 a week ago i just got my 1st single leaf and the bud is almost gone. if you can take clones now and just put them under a couple of cfl's it will be a lot better


Well-Known Member
the article proves it roots much faster its the reverting to veg part that makes it take so long . so many mj myths ive seen debunked lately its insane

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
ok Ive never taken a clipping from a flowering plant, and I have a mystery strain which is the last of its kind, 1 week from harvest. Is it too late now to take the clipping to salvage the plant. If not, do you leave the buds on it, and do you keep it under 12/12 until rooted and reveg or reveg during rooting. Or is it better to reveg the entire plant after clipping the bigger buds off? Havent been a fan of revegging due to the time it wastes, but I dont want to lose this plant or the buds on it for that matter. Would you take a clipping and cut the bud off the end and leave the smaller ones?


Well-Known Member
yes you can. i took a clone 6 weeks in flower and is doing very well. it does takea long time just to start verting back. you willno when you see single blade leafes comeing on. i cut the clone on 3-8-09 a week ago i just got my 1st single leaf and the bud is almost gone. if you can take clones now and just put them under a couple of cfl's it will be a lot better should clear everything up for u, if u like it a rep would be cool lol
Yes, this article looks promising for my needs, thanks dark...:grin:

And as usual, your input is helpful as well mygirls, but I can't hide the light well enough from my flowering girls to have any cfl's on at same time...thanks to you too tho:eyesmoke:.

What about the different look between the two plants...any input for that?:confused: