Re-veging after harvest, ADVICE NEEDED


Active Member
I have a WW plant that I'm about to harvest, the problem is that I had 10 seeds so I didn't clone the first female which is the one thats almost done, and now I've grown out all the other seeds and they were all male and I don't want to lose the strain. I've been reading all I can about Re-vegging but the info I'm looking for doesn't seem to be there, I understand a lot but all I want to know is when I harvest am I supposed to leave the branches on and just cut the buds off of the branches? or should I chop the branches off at the main stem? where do the new shoots grow from when I re-veg? basically how should I manicure if I want to re-veg a plant?:confused:


Well-Known Member
no you have to leave sum bud and leaf on or it carnt regen m8 the new shoots come out the bud, you dont have to leave loads on but it will die if ya take to much off got ak on regen tak a pic post it on this thread after i had sleep