Read this Harvesting & Curing users.


Scientia Cannabis
As I'm sure you've noticed (and read from the admin post in site news, if you haven't I suggest you go read his post) we have had an attack against the site which has overwritten some of our data.
Circa a month of data has been lost, everything from posts to PMs.

Here in the Harvesting & Curing section we deal with a lot of pictures, and we have lost a whole lot of pictures.
All I can ask is that you reup your pictures. Everybody loves bud shots and we could do with getting our daily supply back up.

On another note, if there is anything the Moderating team can do to assist you don't hesitate to ask us, we realize this is an inconvenience and the only way we can do anything about it is to get people to keep opening threads.
Much hard work has been lost, much good information has been lost and it's saddening but it's undeniable.

Again, if there is anything we can do to assist you, just ask.

Kind Regards

- Harvesting & Curing Mod Team