Ready for harvest? How do they look? Pics


Active Member
These have taken longer than I expected they would. How they look to you guys? I put a garbage bag over them one night because I was afraid of frost damage and it seemed to turn some of the leaf tips yellow for some reason. I quickly took the bag off of them. It is around 36* tonight, will this hurt my babies? One of the pics is of my purple clone

90% of the hairs are brownish/red and the triches are 85% milky and 15%amber. I like the narcotic feel though so I'm worried if I harvest now i'll miss out on that. Any idea how much longer I need to wait? Another question I had is when trimming the leaves for harvest wether it be before or after drying, are you supposed to clip ALL of the leaves off? Including the little ones tight with the bus that have all the crystals on them? Or just trim the leaves flush with the buds and not competely off?

Thanks for all the help guys!



Well-Known Member
Dude those don't look very nice bro, those out doors? cause if its frosting out its way to cold to be growing out side. Any ways wait a week at least, if you want that body stone.


Active Member
It hasen't frosted yet, however the one night I threw a garbage bag over them the leaf tips turned yellow brown. They looked great before I did that. It didn't hurt them other than the weird look to the fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
I agree, they dont look to good even if I try to imagine them looking good. 15% amber aint too bad. I'd hack them now if the weather isnt going to be nice...Hell, i'd hack them now neways


Active Member
ok now that we've established they don't lok good, can anyone help me with my question on how to properly cure them.. I have read the guide but am still unsure of wether to cut the leaves flush with the bud, or actually competely remove the leaves ( including the crystalized ones) Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
yea, personally id chop em now, and not risk losing them. If the weather is still stable, id wait another weak like raeman said.


Active Member
ok now that we've established they don't lok good, can anyone help me with my question on how to properly cure them.. I have read the guide but am still unsure of wether to cut the leaves flush with the bud, or actually competely remove the leaves ( including the crystalized ones) Thanks for the help

Dude hang dry them in a dark place for a couple days. Then move to a paper bag for like a week ensure to open the bag twice a day and move the buds - keep a close eye out for mold. After that put into fars for a couple weeks but again ensure to burp them and watch for mold. if I have a nice dark semi-cool place I will sometimes just hang for a week or so and the smoke is nice and smotth with lots of flavour. Your call if it is worth all the work of curing given the amount.