Ready to Chop down?


Active Member
All comments welcome! This is my second grow, these are are all Blue Cheese according to the seed packet. Do they look a little over-ripe? Some hairs on the buds are all white and some are all brownish/orange...Does the THC dramatically decrease if i wait for all the white hairs to turn to an orange color?

Thanks for commenting!




Well-Known Member
dude, they are probably just sitting there being trichs, do yours do anything?

my triops do some crazy shit, but let me check......... nope, the trichomes are still just chillin'


Active Member
looking good!, i would give another 7-10 days then chop her down :weed:

btw i have just got a 10 pack of blue cheese feminised, plan to try them on my next grow, did you expereince any dificulties growing or were they pretty straight forward?


Active Member
Definitely not ready to me... I have been told 80% brown fibres, so wait until most of the white fibres are brown otherwise you will miss out on yield.


Active Member
i would try to get a close-up with a microscope.
you need to look at the crystals. they are certainly close to harvest, but timing is critical to your own tastes! clear crystals too early...when the most are milky, you will get a great high, when they start to dull, you will be stoned. its up to yourself what your taste is


Active Member
what are the trichs supposed to look like when it's ripe???
Mine are looking pretty pointy but most of the hairs are still white...


Well-Known Member
I didn't even have to look at your journal to know you use CFL's after that statement.

i have been zinged, i need to start using those little faces to show my sarcasm.....:roll:
there's one for ya

and yes use a scope, look for amber trichs, it is all in the faq, but my point was, you can also just tell when they are ready, i think it is wise on the first grow to let it go over almost, that way you see the whole development and in the future, you know what to look for.

also the reason i use cfl's is because i made that cabinet for veg as i have the constant short season here in hawaii to flower outdoors.
but this time around i am going to try to flower in it for fun.


Well-Known Member
I got one of those handheld 100x - 60x microscopes at Radio Shack last night - worth EVERY penny of the $13 I paid for it. You can see the trichs, tell if they are clear, milky or amber (mine aren't ready...clear to slightly cloudy) and it's so much better then just watching the hairs turn. Now that I see what's really going on, I don't know how I didn't have a microscope (after all, after MONTHS of babying these girls, I sure as hell don't want to fuck it up at harvest!).


Active Member
Thanks for all the input guys! I actually bought that Radioshack Microscope a couple weeks All the Trichs are mostly clear but some of the hairs were getting pretty i'll let her live for a little longer... :)

As far as Problems with this Blue Cheese strain, there really hasnt been any.... No Nutrients the whole time except for growing in the miracle grow moisture control soil.I'm pretty new to this whole growing thing but all those buds seem pretty fat and happy..

Anyway thanks again for all the input, and i'll keep ya updated on the finished product!
