

Well-Known Member
Nor crossdressing. Sometimes a guy just wants to feel sexy.

There is nothing wrong with cross-dressing if that's your kink but I'm not into it and if I were to find out that he were I'm not sure that I would look at him ever the same way again just saying


Well-Known Member
wow no wonder she tends to agree with him so much and she's a bitch and a liar she told me she didn't know him she was from another country wow you're pathetic schuylaar!!!

Perhaps with his new girlfriend blubber whale though I'm sure the three of you are having a wonderful time in those dog cages and with all the Cosmetics he buys I don't understand why you guys arent more beautiful

Thank you for the info people now I know never to talk to the man again sick ass fuck wow just wow no for anybody wondering now I would never touch the man with a ten-foot pole again I'm disgusted I ever did
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Well-Known Member
wow no wonder she tends to agree with him so much and she's a bitch and a liar she told me she didn't know him she was from another country wow you're pathetic schuylaar!!!

Perhaps with his new girlfriend blubber whale though I'm sure the three of you are having a wonderful time in those dog cages and with all the Cosmetics he buys I don't understand why you guys are more beautiful

Thank you for the info people now I know never to talk to the man again sick ass fuck wow just wow no for anybody wondering now I would never touch the man with a ten-foot pole again I'm disgusted I ever did
Lol. Betcha Tty had something to do with that.


Well-Known Member
This isn't about cross-dressing this it Heaven Help me if it is.. no Honestly though why would he have cages about and what's up with the cosmetics lmao
I'm not one to say anything about another's English, but damn at least write where you can be understood or use Spanish ...much easier and I'm fluent in that language.


Well-Known Member
Oh to what? That he is abusive?

I find it quite hilarious actually that we were talking about politics and now we're on this subject it just I'm laughing my head off right now when he sees these messages what a loser. Good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't like the guy


Well-Known Member
I'm not one to say anything about another's English, but damn at least write where you can be understood or use Spanish ...much easier and I'm fluent in that language.
I'm sorry it's my voice text I will
make sure to better correct my language by the way as I'm new here how do you like people's posts


Well-Known Member
Oh to what? That he is abusive?

I find it quite hilarious actually that we were talking about politics and now we're on this subject it just I'm laughing my head off right now when he sees these messages what a loser. Good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't like the guy
The abusiveness does not surprise me. He is always insulting people here and whining about them insulting him. He has a real air of superiority that seems 100% undeserved.

Is that why his daughter bailed?


Well-Known Member
The abusiveness does not surprise me. He is always insulting people here and whining about them insulting him. He has a real air of superiority that seems 100% undeserved.

Is that why his daughter bailed?
Oh I know he I've seen his posts and yes he does have the superiority that does seem 100% undeserved. He seems to think he's entitled to everything and then he's better than everybody pretty sad actually

I'm not sure what you mean by his daughter bailed? His daughters only like 14 and she lives with his brother-in-law and sister in Africa he's never had her before that she lived with her mom