really bushy plant


hi guys, im 5 weeks into veg and my plants are very bushy. i've been keeping my ph5.8 and ppm650

here's what they look like now



Well-Known Member
Assuming you don't want them so bushy -
I'd say move some of the LED panels you have on the side higher so the plants branches/leaves don't grow out so much if you want it to grow taller quicker and less bushy, remembering they grow towards the light source.


Assuming your post is to show how nice and bushy they are. They look nice and healthy to me. Im running just two UFO 90W above 4 motherplants. Keep them about 10-15cm away from the plants and they work great for my veg cabinet. Good work if you want them bushy though, depends how YOU want them to grow. Goodluck with the grow.


Active Member
bushy is good, looks fine, 5 weeks is a long time for small plants like that, a lot of controversy over those led lights you are using they provide a really narrow part of the light spectrum that is absorbed by the plant, I would consider adding a cfl to supplement the missing wave lengths not produced by those led lamps but to keep them in place as they do provide light in the most predominantly used part of the light spectrum for this plant.


Active Member
im a HPS grower but those look great to me i wish mine would be that short and bushy......


Well-Known Member
YEA.. .my 600w mh/hps. Could never in a million years produce plants so small. :D i get 3-4ft every time


thanks for reassuring me guys, this is my first grow and i was worried that those LEDs were making my plants act up. I'll raise the side panels a bit to force them to grow upwards a tiny bit more, I'm mainly worried about canopy penetration with a plant as bushy as this

thx again


Depends what how you are planning on growing them, if you are concerned that the lower growth isnt getting enough light look into pruning. i personally cut any new growth off as it buds that i am not going to want to grow to maturity, which is usually the growth that is in or will be in the shade of upper growth. It seems like lollipopping would be good in your case but i dont have a lot of exp. with that or with those type of lights. Personally, growing them to get fewer bigger buds is preferable to more small airy buds but everyone is different


Well-Known Member
typically hps spectrum produces longer lankier branches while metal halide tends to produce shorter stockier plants - my guess is your LEDS tend to the blue-red heavy spectrum of metal halide bulbs.

plus, your plants are probably getting plenty of light for their stage of growth, so they have little motivation to reach up.

cheers bongsmilie