Really in the buying mood


Well-Known Member
Urggghhh, seems like every Friday after a long/ hard week of work I want to buy new glass. I was out of town for 3 days this week for work, we installed 60 windows in 2 and half days... whewww I'm sore. I really want a sick tube. Pyrologys look like they stack awesome! Don't smoke oils so no need for a rig.

What is everyone else currently interested in buying or what are you planning on next?


Well-Known Member
I have a chaos sherlock in the works by our one and only Dankshizzle, but my brother is wanting to buy my Zob disc bubbler this Friday so I might cop a tube as well. Not a real big fan of inlines. What I would really like is one of Kush Scientifics gridded tubes....