Reasons for growing!!

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
Ok im sitting here and i thought this could be somthing fun to do why do you grow or what got you into growing. ok ill start.

what got me into growing for one was im tired of paying loads of cash for this dirt weed here down south, so i was like why not grow it plus if i grow it im not supporting all those drug cartel that kill over this simple medication. plus im technically not supporting the war on drugs because its all for me. im not selling it so theres no blood money kinda thing goin on. theres other reasons on that idea that i could go on and on about.

there now yalls turn!!

Keep on sparkin em' up:joint:


Well-Known Member
You pretty much stated all the positive reasons...All thats left is for profit grows.


Well-Known Member
heres my story, about 3 months ago , work was slow, i needed some extra cash, and i had 4 full setup aquariums, my biggest was a 55gal, i sold all of them and at the same time i sold my "hobby" so a month went by and i was freakin bord ,hey lets clean that closet i was thinking about, then BOOM, the next week, i bought a 400W HPS, 6 45W(equ) 150W so 900W altogether, humidifer, temp controls, intake and exhaust fans, and i made the closet air tight with the supplies from work, (roofing company) found a local hydroponics store, where he gave me some kinda leaflet, stateing i was gonna apply for legeal weed, so after that we could talk about n e thing, but now the prob is, I DONT SMOKE, so i cant get the med's, i have the full setup, with out the product. iam a FIRST TIME GROWER, but i have put ALOT of thought into this and alot of time and money, thanks for rollitup i have also gained alot on info like cloning, never knew about 1.... long story not to short, soon i will medicate my good friends in need for free.
my dealers tried to start charging me 20 buck a gram........ frekin rip right... i mean don't get me wrong ak has some bomb shit but damn!!!! any how thats just wat pushed me over the edge and got me off my lazy ass i was talking bout it for a few months before we had this crap happen... sad thing is i lost lots of what i thought was "good friends" over the shit.... now when i need any i have to walk around down town and pray to gaia (greek mythology mother of the earth and gods) for something good to happen ( which works ok but no great) plus i just finished my last baggie.... (tear)......

:peace:-space cowboy- when you spark up shed a tear for the sober all round the world.... and enjoy twice as much! hapy tokin!


Active Member
I'm into botany/plants in general, and was growing a number of other plants before I came across a few seeds in a bag of weed I got. Planted them, they sprouted, and I made an account here.

I'm not taking them as seriously as I should. No pH meter, etc.. I'm treating them like I'd treat most plants. Only thing I'm worried about is hiding them because my grow isn't hidden, it's the first thing you see when you enter my house.

I want my garden out in the open, but can't have the pot there, so I'm wondering how to go about this. I'm thinking about getting some quick growing plants (parsley, etc) to stretch and grow thick, and then putting that around my weed plants for cover. It worked when they were smaller.

Other prob is the smell. I notice it faintly when I walk in.. so far nobody else has :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well, I've been smokin since I was 10, I bought so much shit off of people that I probably smoked the equivalent of 3 or 4 mercedes benz,lol at one point I started thinking about all the money I put in for dirt weed , for the stress of getting poke by 5.0 and shit ,and plus the fact that i didn,t want to have to run around for miles on end gettin the shit , cost me more in gaz than in freakin plus the time it took me literally kept me outta the house too much, I,m a big smoker and I didn't have a lot of cash so I could never buy big stacks at once, some the logical choice was growing my own shit to first supply my own need for weed, and also to be honest ,to try to get back a bit of all the money I put in, and thirdly it fit in with my favorite pasttime horticulture, once I got my wife to finally let up on her resistance to growing . so there you have it folks thats my story and I,m stickin to it....!!!!!!

peace y'all


Well-Known Member
If your smart its safer to grow a bit at home then to drive with it every other day . Plus the quality for the $ .... I mean we can grow 500$ an OZ stuff for pennies on the $.

I guess like most of you . I just want a better life.


Well-Known Member
I grow because i love the tree, in my eyes their is no other plant as beautiful as a flowering marijuana tree, even if i dont intend on smoking it, i still just love to see it grow, i usually grow and give a whole lot to my friends and have a little for me, but the tree and its beauty and everything it holds is what attracts me to growing


Well-Known Member
i started because i was tired of buying it and paranoid about driving around with it.
but i've fallen in love with growing - even when i don't need any (i never, ever sell it) i keep on growing! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
but say like me you have a buddy that just takes the whole stack off your hands in 1 shot no matter how much you got and pays well for it, so you make a shitload of cash, and the minute its ready its out of the house, I will keep what i need , and just be rid of the rest, you have to admit the idea is hard to resist, for me anyway. and up here law has it now that if you get caught with 1 plant or 200 its the same penalty , so what the hell might as well do it for the worth


Well-Known Member
I started to grow for a hobby but now I have people that want to buy it off of me alot and my buddy that helped me get started his' gf might be getting her son back so he's gona be giving me his plants and well now if he helps me sell any I'm gona be giving him a cut off the top but its just going towords helping people out that I know that can't afford certin things


Well-Known Member
but say like me you have a buddy that just takes the whole stack off your hands in 1 shot no matter how much you got and pays well for it, so you make a shitload of cash, and the minute its ready its out of the house, I will keep what i need , and just be rid of the rest, you have to admit the idea is hard to resist, for me anyway. and up here law has it now that if you get caught with 1 plant or 200 its the same penalty , so what the hell might as well do it for the worth
If i had a trusted single point like you i would certainly consider it and most likely do it.


Well-Known Member
thats why its so hard for me to resist the opportunity to make a better life for me and mine you know?.... i would never dream of becoming a 2 bit dealer , but i,m a smoker, i love the stuff, and I believe the shit should be legal anyway , so its sort of contradictary to say i wouldn't spread it and if i can get the same charge for 1 as for 200 with this bill c26 up here in canuck country than shit I am gonna maximize my crop for


Well-Known Member
My(friends) dealer funds my(friends) op. I(he) never sell(s) or have traffic at my(friends) place . He only comes by(there) to deliver clones or equipment and i run a tab with him for weed. Payable out of the end result. He sells it and is my proxy. As he has just as much to lose as i do . Being he bought 70% of the stuff i use (Including the clones). So even if he gets nabbed. I have a safety net . Who would rat on there own conspiracy.

But this is all just conjecture and no part of it is true.


Well-Known Member
My(friends) dealer funds my(friends) op. I(he) never sell(s) or have traffic at my(friends) place . He only comes by(there) to deliver clones or equipment and i run a tab with him for weed. Payable out of the end result. He sells it and is my proxy. As he has just as much to lose as i do . Being he bought 70% of the stuff i use (Including the clones). So even if he gets nabbed. I have a safety net . Who would rat on there own conspiracy.

But this is all just conjecture and no part of it is true.
i mean no offense but would point out that the whole point of ratting is so your part of the conspiracy is lessened. So without being part of a conspiracy - there is nothing to rat about.

something to consider...

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
I'm into botany/plants in general, and was growing a number of other plants before I came across a few seeds in a bag of weed I got. Planted them, they sprouted, and I made an account here.

I'm not taking them as seriously as I should. No pH meter, etc.. I'm treating them like I'd treat most plants. Only thing I'm worried about is hiding them because my grow isn't hidden, it's the first thing you see when you enter my house.

I want my garden out in the open, but can't have the pot there, so I'm wondering how to go about this. I'm thinking about getting some quick growing plants (parsley, etc) to stretch and grow thick, and then putting that around my weed plants for cover. It worked when they were smaller.

Other prob is the smell. I notice it faintly when I walk in.. so far nobody else has :mrgreen:

thats not a bad idea i heard a few people surrounding their plant with giant sunflowers. works great i heard.


Well-Known Member
For me it's about freedom and civil disobedience.

Freedom - As long as I do not harm anyone else, I am free to recreate however I choose. As a free man, it is not the government's business what I put into my body.

Civil Disobedience - I grow cannabis knowing fully well the consequences of that act. As a free man, I am able to make this choice in spite of my government's prohibition. My actions fly in the face of a government that has lied to the public for 80 years. My actions beg the question: The people choose to use a substance the government banned. What happened to the concept of government of the people? Logically and under the auspices of the U.S. Constitution, the government should reflect the will of the people, yet it continues to ignore the will of the people. My actions send a message to the government, and if arrested, to the people for I will not go quietly. I will tell my story to anyone who will listen. I will demand a jury trial.


Well-Known Member
For me it's about freedom and civil disobedience.

Freedom - As long as I do not harm anyone else, I am free to recreate however I choose. As a free man, it is not the government's business what I put into my body.

Civil Disobedience - I grow cannabis knowing fully well the consequences of that act. As a free man, I am able to make this choice in spite of my government's prohibition. My actions fly in the face of a government that has lied to the public for 80 years. My actions beg the question: The people choose to use a substance the government banned. What happened to the concept of government of the people? Logically and under the auspices of the U.S. Constitution, the government should reflect the will of the people, yet it continues to ignore the will of the people. My actions sends a message to the government, and if arrested, to the people for I will not go quietly. I will tell my story to anyone who will listen. I will demand a jury trial.
right on! the real irony is the constitution is written on (drum roll please) hemp paper!


Well-Known Member
I was busted for possesion w/intent to distibute with several substances over 6 years ago. The bottom line for me is I don't want the stress from buying from a stranger. I don't want the stress from buying from a buddy who may have been busted. I don't want the stress of driving around with it. I don't want the stress of selling it to anyone. I just want a head bag for the Mrs. and I that no one knows about and so the fruits of labor can be enjoyed as they were meant to... with relaxation. All of this is only possible because no family member, close friend (even those I smoke with), or co-worker knows that it's there.

In response to the above quotes on governement for the people, I think we can all agree that it's a farce. When you step back and view from a new set of eyes the truth of the matter (as is taught especially in sociological theory) is that the government is made up of representatives elected by the dominant class no matter what society or culture it is in. The dominatn class never wants to give its position to the subordinate classes and will enact cultural actions and laws to keep the system as it is. All substances in this country that were illegal were legal for a very long time and each of them became illegal because of fears the dominant group had. Marijuana first became illegal because the Morman Church felt Mexicans were dangerous because of pot... this type of law change is best witnessed through opium in which the first laws made it illegal to smoke only in Chinatown. The dominant class wanted the substance but did not want the chinese immigrants and thought they would leave if they couldn't use the product they themselves brought here...


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
For me it's about freedom and civil disobedience.

Freedom - As long as I do not harm anyone else, I am free to recreate however I choose. As a free man, it is not the government's business what I put into my body.

Civil Disobedience - I grow cannabis knowing fully well the consequences of that act. As a free man, I am able to make this choice in spite of my government's prohibition. My actions fly in the face of a government that has lied to the public for 80 years. My actions beg the question: The people choose to use a substance the government banned. What happened to the concept of government of the people? Logically and under the auspices of the U.S. Constitution, the government should reflect the will of the people, yet it continues to ignore the will of the people. My actions send a message to the government, and if arrested, to the people for I will not go quietly. I will tell my story to anyone who will listen. I will demand a jury trial.

Agreed. Here here!