Reefer's Official Blueberry Gum Grow (G13 Labs)


Active Member
First of all I've attempted a couple of journal before as a complete nube. To no surprise, no harvest due to lack of patience and schedule difficulties. Here is an official attempt at a pc grow.

Reefer's PC Grow Journal
Homemade PC Grow Box
Nutrients: CNS 17 Starter Kit
Lights: 2 X 13W 6500k CFL'S and 1 X 23W 5000k CFL 18/6
Ventilation: 1 X 80MM intake and 3 X 120MM exhaust
Homemade CO2 generator
TEMP: 81*

Here is my BBG seedling at 7 days old. Fed her 1/2 strength nutes (grow, liquid karma, silica blast and ripe) with purified water. I don't know if you can see or not but the new set of leaves are browning/purpling
:confused: I don't know if this is a coloration with the pheno or possibly ph imbalance. I don't see it being the lights because the edges of the leaves are silky and green with no crisp. It's only in the mid leaf away from the stem but not extending the entire length of the leaf. Any comments, questions, or concerns? All criticism is welcome, this is all a learning experience for me.


Active Member

Not a whole lot going on since yesterday. The second set of leaves have begun to fill in a bit more. Here's a few snaps of what she looks like today.
Photo on 2013-06-23 at 14.32 #2.jpgPhoto on 2013-06-23 at 14.32.jpg


Active Member
DAY 12

So it's been a few days since I've updated but really not a lot has changed. I have removed my 80mm intake up in the box for exhaust and took one of the 120mm exhaust out because i had it connected to an 80mm port and air was being restricted. So what I did was take the 120 out and put the 80 where it belonged originally. The pull from all the exhaust fans brings fresh air in from a port at the bottom of the box so air is constantly circulating.
I began LST on her last night and she seems to have taken to it fairly well. I would love some feed back or critique on where I am with the process. Any advice is welcome. Help a fellow RIUer out.

Photo on 2013-06-27 at 16.35.jpgPhoto on 2013-06-27 at 16.34.jpg


Active Member
All looks okay so far Reefer. Tho the LST does look a little intense, what're you pulling the plant over with, it looks like fishing wire here. Just go careful that you don't cut into it, as that could feck you from the beginning.

If it were me, I wouldn't use any nutes this early on. Let her find her feet, then start pumping in the good stuff. You've got tons of time ahead of you, so just go easy, and keep her happy.
