Reno 911


New Member
RENO 911
by Ann Coulter
August 29, 2007

This week, congressional Democrats vowed to investigate Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' firing of himself. Gonzales has said he was not involved in the discussions about his firing and that it was "performance-based," but he couldn't recall the specifics.

Right-wingers like me never trusted Gonzales. But watching Hillary Rodham Clinton literally applaud the announcement of Gonzales' resignation on Monday was more than any human being should have to bear. Liberals' hysteria about Gonzales was surpassed only by their hysteria about his predecessor, John Ashcroft. (Also their hysteria about Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Libby, Rice, Barney and so on. They're very excitable, these Democrats.)

Liberals want to return the office to the glory years of Attorney General Janet Reno!

There is reason to believe Reno is precisely the sort of attorney general that Hillary would nominate, since Reno was widely assumed to be Hillary's pick at the time. As ABC News' Chris Bury reported the day Reno was confirmed: "The search for an attorney general exemplifies Hillary Clinton's circle of influence and its clout. ... The attorney general-designate, Janet Reno, came to the president's attention through Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham."

Let's compare attorneys general:

-- Civilians killed by Ashcroft: 0
-- Civilians killed by Gonzales: 0
-- Civilians killed by Reno: 80

Reno's military attack on a religious sect in Waco, Texas, led to the greatest number of citizens ever killed by the government in the history of the United States. More Americans were killed at Waco than were killed at any of the various markers on the left's via dolorosa -- more than Kent State (4 killed), more than the Haymarket Square rebellion (4 killed), more than Three Mile Island (0 killed).

-- Innocent people put in prison by Ashcroft: 0
-- Innocent people put in prison by Gonzales: 0
-- Innocent people put in prison by Reno: at least 1 that I know of

As Dade County (Fla.) state attorney, Janet Reno made a name for herself as one of the leading witch-hunters in the notorious "child molestation" cases from the '80s, when convictions of innocent Americans were won on the basis of heavily coached testimony from small children.

Charged by Reno's office in 1984 with child molestation, Grant Snowden was convicted on the manufactured testimony of one such child, who was 4 years old when the abuse allegedly occurred.

Snowden, the most decorated police officer in the history of the South Miami Police Department, was sentenced to five life terms -- and was imprisoned with people he had put there. Snowden served 11 years before his conviction was finally overturned by a federal court in an opinion that ridiculed the evidence against him and called his trial "fundamentally unfair."

In a massive criminal justice system, mistakes will be made from time to time. But Janet Reno put people like Snowden in prison not only for crimes that they didn't commit -- but also for crimes that never happened. Such was the soccer-mom-induced hysteria of the '80s, when innocent people were prosecuted for fantastical crimes concocted in therapists' offices.

-- Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Ashcroft: 0
-- Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Gonzales: 0
-- Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Reno: at least 1

On Aug. 19, 1991, rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death in Crown Heights by a black racist mob shouting "Kill the Jew!" as retaliation for another Hasidic man killing a black child in a car accident hours earlier.

In a far clearer case of jury nullification than the first Rodney King verdict, a jury composed of nine blacks and three Puerto Ricans acquitted Lemrick Nelson Jr. of the murder -- despite the fact that the police found the bloody murder weapon in his pocket and Rosenbaum's blood on his clothes, and that Rosenbaum, as he lay dying, had identified Nelson as his assailant.

The Hasidic community immediately appealed to the attorney general for a federal civil rights prosecution of Nelson. Reno responded with utter mystification at the idea that anyone's civil rights had been violated.

Civil rights? Where do you get that?

Because they were chanting "Kill the Jew," Rosenbaum is a Jew, and they killed him.

Huh. That's a weird interpretation of "civil rights." It sounds a little harebrained to me, but I guess I could have someone look into it.

It took two years from Nelson's acquittal to get Reno to bring a civil rights case against him.

-- Number of innocent civilians accused of committing heinous crimes by Ashcroft: 0
-- Number of innocent civilians accused of committing heinous crimes by Gonzales: 0
-- Number of innocent civilians accused of committing heinous crimes by Reno: at least 1

Janet Reno presided over the leak of Richard Jewell's name to the media, implicating him in the Atlanta Olympic park bombing in 1996, for which she later apologized. I believe Reno also falsely accused the Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez of violating the law, which I am not including in her record of false accusations, but reminds me of another comparison.

Number of 6-year-old boys deported to totalitarian dictatorships by Ashcroft: 0
Number of 6-year-old boys deported to totalitarian dictatorships by Gonzales: 0
Number of 6-year-old boys deported to totalitarian dictatorships by Reno: 1

Not until Bush became president was the media interested in discussing the shortcomings of the attorney general. Whatever flaws Alberto Gonzales has (John Ashcroft has none), we don't have to go back to the Harding administration to find a worse attorney general.

From the phony child abuse cases of the '80s to the military assault on Americans at Waco, Janet Reno presided over the most egregious attacks on Americans' basic liberties since the Salem witch trials. These outrageous deprivations of life and liberty were not the work of fanatical right-wing prosecutors, but liberals like Janet Reno.

Reno is the sort of wild-eyed zealot trampling on real civil rights that Hillary views as an ideal attorney general, unlike that brute Alberto Gonzales. At least Reno didn't fire any U.S. attorneys!

Oh wait --

Number of U.S. attorneys fired by Ashcroft: 0
Number of U.S. attorneys fired by Gonzales: 8
Number of U.S. attorneys fired by Reno: 93

4520 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111


New Member
RENO 911
by Ann Coulter
August 29, 2007

This week, congressional Democrats vowed to investigate Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' firing of himself. Gonzales has said he was not involved in the discussions about his firing and that it was "performance-based," but he couldn't recall the specifics.

Right-wingers like me never trusted Gonzales. But watching Hillary Rodham Clinton literally applaud the announcement of Gonzales' resignation on Monday was more than any human being should have to bear. Liberals' hysteria about Gonzales was surpassed only by their hysteria about his predecessor, John Ashcroft. (Also their hysteria about Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Libby, Rice, Barney and so on. They're very excitable, these Democrats.)

Liberals want to return the office to the glory years of Attorney General Janet Reno!

There is reason to believe Reno is precisely the sort of attorney general that Hillary would nominate, since Reno was widely assumed to be Hillary's pick at the time. As ABC News' Chris Bury reported the day Reno was confirmed: "The search for an attorney general exemplifies Hillary Clinton's circle of influence and its clout. ... The attorney general-designate, Janet Reno, came to the president's attention through Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham."

Let's compare attorneys general:

-- Civilians killed by Ashcroft: 0
-- Civilians killed by Gonzales: 0
-- Civilians killed by Reno: 80

Reno's military attack on a religious sect in Waco, Texas, led to the greatest number of citizens ever killed by the government in the history of the United States. More Americans were killed at Waco than were killed at any of the various markers on the left's via dolorosa -- more than Kent State (4 killed), more than the Haymarket Square rebellion (4 killed), more than Three Mile Island (0 killed).

-- Innocent people put in prison by Ashcroft: 0
-- Innocent people put in prison by Gonzales: 0
-- Innocent people put in prison by Reno: at least 1 that I know of

As Dade County (Fla.) state attorney, Janet Reno made a name for herself as one of the leading witch-hunters in the notorious "child molestation" cases from the '80s, when convictions of innocent Americans were won on the basis of heavily coached testimony from small children.

Charged by Reno's office in 1984 with child molestation, Grant Snowden was convicted on the manufactured testimony of one such child, who was 4 years old when the abuse allegedly occurred.

Snowden, the most decorated police officer in the history of the South Miami Police Department, was sentenced to five life terms -- and was imprisoned with people he had put there. Snowden served 11 years before his conviction was finally overturned by a federal court in an opinion that ridiculed the evidence against him and called his trial "fundamentally unfair."

In a massive criminal justice system, mistakes will be made from time to time. But Janet Reno put people like Snowden in prison not only for crimes that they didn't commit -- but also for crimes that never happened. Such was the soccer-mom-induced hysteria of the '80s, when innocent people were prosecuted for fantastical crimes concocted in therapists' offices.

-- Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Ashcroft: 0
-- Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Gonzales: 0
-- Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Reno: at least 1

On Aug. 19, 1991, rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death in Crown Heights by a black racist mob shouting "Kill the Jew!" as retaliation for another Hasidic man killing a black child in a car accident hours earlier.

In a far clearer case of jury nullification than the first Rodney King verdict, a jury composed of nine blacks and three Puerto Ricans acquitted Lemrick Nelson Jr. of the murder -- despite the fact that the police found the bloody murder weapon in his pocket and Rosenbaum's blood on his clothes, and that Rosenbaum, as he lay dying, had identified Nelson as his assailant.

The Hasidic community immediately appealed to the attorney general for a federal civil rights prosecution of Nelson. Reno responded with utter mystification at the idea that anyone's civil rights had been violated.

Civil rights? Where do you get that?

Because they were chanting "Kill the Jew," Rosenbaum is a Jew, and they killed him.

Huh. That's a weird interpretation of "civil rights." It sounds a little harebrained to me, but I guess I could have someone look into it.

It took two years from Nelson's acquittal to get Reno to bring a civil rights case against him.

-- Number of innocent civilians accused of committing heinous crimes by Ashcroft: 0
-- Number of innocent civilians accused of committing heinous crimes by Gonzales: 0
-- Number of innocent civilians accused of committing heinous crimes by Reno: at least 1

Janet Reno presided over the leak of Richard Jewell's name to the media, implicating him in the Atlanta Olympic park bombing in 1996, for which she later apologized. I believe Reno also falsely accused the Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez of violating the law, which I am not including in her record of false accusations, but reminds me of another comparison.

Number of 6-year-old boys deported to totalitarian dictatorships by Ashcroft: 0
Number of 6-year-old boys deported to totalitarian dictatorships by Gonzales: 0
Number of 6-year-old boys deported to totalitarian dictatorships by Reno: 1

Not until Bush became president was the media interested in discussing the shortcomings of the attorney general. Whatever flaws Alberto Gonzales has (John Ashcroft has none), we don't have to go back to the Harding administration to find a worse attorney general.

From the phony child abuse cases of the '80s to the military assault on Americans at Waco, Janet Reno presided over the most egregious attacks on Americans' basic liberties since the Salem witch trials. These outrageous deprivations of life and liberty were not the work of fanatical right-wing prosecutors, but liberals like Janet Reno.

Reno is the sort of wild-eyed zealot trampling on real civil rights that Hillary views as an ideal attorney general, unlike that brute Alberto Gonzales. At least Reno didn't fire any U.S. attorneys!

Oh wait --

Number of U.S. attorneys fired by Ashcroft: 0
Number of U.S. attorneys fired by Gonzales: 8
Number of U.S. attorneys fired by Reno: 93

4520 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111
Typical Cuntler. Who gives a fuck about Reno. She is old news. I didn't like her either and Waco was a disaster. If Cuntler had a brain, she could come up with more Dem bashing than Reno, If that's all she's got, then she is done. BTW it is customary to fire all the US attorneys of the previous administration when taking office if you are the opposition party.


New Member
OK, let's take a good look at why Lefties like you hate Ann Coulter so much, Med. She does an EXCELLENT job of exposing the hypocrisy of the Left. The above article is an excellent case in point.

As to your point about the custom of firing the US Attornys when a new party takes over ... how many did Bush fire as opposed to the Clintons? See ... just more of your Leftie hypocrisy. :hump:



New Member
OK, let's take a good look at why Lefties like you hate Ann Coulter so much, Med. She does an EXCELLENT job of exposing the hypocrisy of the Left. The above article is an excellent case in point.

As to your point about the custom of firing the US Attornys when a new party takes over ... how many did Bush fire as opposed to the Clintons? See ... just more of your Leftie hypocrisy. :hump:

Mr. Rove’s claims today that the Bush administration’s purge of qualified and capable U.S. attorneys is “normal and ordinary” is pure fiction. Replacing most U.S. attorneys when a new administration comes in — as we did in 1993 and the Bush administration did in 2001 — is not unusual. But the Clinton administration never fired federal prosecutors as pure political retribution. These U.S. attorneys received positive performance reviews from the Justice Department and were then given no reason for their firings. So I'm guessing around 93, ~LOL~ - 84k


Well-Known Member
Ann Coulter is a hack at best Vi, thus she is discounted. Since the republicans no longer hold a majority she is no longer relevant.



New Member
Ann Coulter is a hack at best Vi, thus she is discounted. Since the republicans no longer hold a majority she is no longer relevant.

On the contrary, Dank. The very fact that Ann Coulter causes Liberals to have such hissy fits make her VERY relevent. Ann Coulter is not running for any office. She is a commentator. She calls 'em as she sees 'em. And to the Liberal's abhorance, she monitors the hyprcrisy of the left like no other. Every one of her books is a best seller. She is passing on ideas and a lot of people are listening to her speak and reading her books. You, Med, and the rest of the haters can malign her all you want, but the facts are ... the Left does not have control of the media anymore. And THAT'S what pisses the Left off more than anything else.




Well-Known Member
No they the left doesn't have control of the media and hasn't since 1999. Just remember you said that next time you have a complaint about the liberal media. Now I don't have time to disprove Ann Coulter because unlike you, I have a life, but I can run what she says through fact check and show that she is a bald faced lier if I so choose.


Well-Known Member
Vi run what she says through then tell me it's a pant load.
You have such a narrow view of the world it isn'r even funny.


New Member
Vi run what she says through then tell me it's a pant load.
You have such a narrow view of the world it isn'r even funny.
And here we have another pant load. If one holds conservative/libertarian viewpoints, the lefties consider that a "narrow view." But the totalitarian, one box fits all viewpoint of the lefties is, what? ... enlightenment? The self righteousness of the left is sickening.



New Member
And here we have another pant load. If one holds conservative/libertarian viewpoints, the lefties consider that a "narrow view." But the totalitarian, one box fits all viewpoint of the lefties is, what? ... enlightenment? The self righteousness of the left is sickening.

Uhhhh, do you own any mirrors?


Well-Known Member
No Vi we don't live in the 1950's anymore the world has moved on.. your view point is right out of the 1950's. Your out of step with the times and reality. How old are you now? 70. I rest my case.
As one gets older the more closed minded they get, this is a psychologicly proven fact.
The reason you are working now can only be for two reasons, reason number one: If you didn't work, you couldn't make enough on social security to eat anything other than cat food with the cost of living in California. reason number two: Your just plain greedy and think you can take it with you.

Now as far as your insults like pant load, where do you come up with this? It doesn't originate from you, your just not that original (you forget I've been dealing with you for 7 years)... who are you getting it from?

Now The facts that she (Ann Coulter) post may be correct, but her pure hatred of people that think different than herself and her causticness in her tone is even turning off conservatives.


New Member
No Vi we don't live in the 1950's anymore the world has moved on.. your view point is right out of the 1950's. Your out of step with the times and reality. How old are you now? 70. I rest my case.
As one gets older the more closed minded they get, this is a psychologicly proven fact.
The reason you are working now can only be for two reasons, reason number one: If you didn't work, you couldn't make enough on social security to eat anything other than cat food with the cost of living in California. reason number two: Your just plain greedy and think you can take it with you.

Now as far as your insults like pant load, where do you come up with this? It doesn't originate from you, your just not that original (you forget I've been dealing with you for 7 years)... who are you getting it from?

Now The facts that she (Ann Coulter) post may be correct, but her pure hatred of people that think different than herself and her causticness in her tone is even turning off conservatives.
It (pant load) was just a test to see just how utterly insulting you can get, Dank. I would put the results between VERY insulting and just plain AWFULLY insulting. ~lol~

1. I didn't know you have a psycology degree, Dank. From which university did you obtain it, and where did you practice?

2. The reason I still work are many. Among them are: I like a nice lifestyle. I like to work. I like to keep my mind sharp. I like to help other people, especially first time buyers obtain the American Dream. I like to train newbies to sell well. It has nothing at all to do with greed or cat food. Your negative, liberal stinkin' thinkin' is showing in that comment, Dank.

3. Correcto-mundo, Dank. "pant load" isn't original with me. I read it on a blog somewhere, but thought it particularly appropriate to use in response to your idiotic statements. Please understand, I'm not saying that ALL of your statement are idiotic by any means ... but some REALLY are. Especially when you're playing the role of a liberal hate monger.



Well-Known Member
FYI Canadian $ topped US again today:hump:
In other news Canada is tightning its borders to prevent illegal americans from entering...

Any Canadians notice more us quarters being handed out at tim's? We're getting ripped off eh

Sorry to interupt
continue bickering ...


New Member
FYI Canadian $ topped US again today:hump:
In other news Canada is tightning its borders to prevent illegal americans from entering...

Any Canadians notice more us quarters being handed out at tim's? We're getting ripped off eh

Sorry to interupt
continue bickering ...
Are you finding it too hard to compete with those Americans who are coming across you border? Or, is it that they just grow fantastic pot compared to that Canadian schwag you have up there? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
No it's that there becoming like mexicans trying to cross the border to get to our stronger economy, more lenient mj laws and medical care. Im just feeling ripped of getting american quarters back as change. You guys can keep your crack whores and gangs to yourselves.


Well-Known Member
Dude, even hardcore Republicans hate Ann Coulter. She's a nut job. Are you going to start quoting Rush Limbaugh next?


New Member
Dude, even hardcore Republicans hate Ann Coulter. She's a nut job. Are you going to start quoting Rush Limbaugh next?
Again ... refute Ann Coulter's ideas instead of attacking me. You write well, you display good intellect here in the forum, you are far above other liberal hacks who post here, so why not extend yourself a little and get past the personal attacks? Make sense, no? :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Again ... refute Ann Coulter's ideas instead of attacking me. You write well, you desplay good intellect here in the forum, you are far above other liberal hacks who post here, so why not extend yourself a little and get past the personal attacks? Make sense, no? :blsmoke:

indeed it does. I posted a brief bit of reasoning on another thread.