Rep. Chris Hurst Torpedos SB 5073!


New Member
This whole bill is junk. I DO NOT agree with this AT ALL
It was actually a very well written bill that would of done a lot of good. When it passed the first house vote on 4/11 it was still good. It got destroyed by amendments this week and now it needs to go away.

Al Dente

Forget it. Sign I-1149. Better yet go to and learn how you can help. Let's get it on the ballot this year.


New Member
Forget it. Sign I-1149. Better yet go to and learn how you can help. Let's get it on the ballot this year.
Sounds promising. I'll have to read through the ballot completely and see how it addresses sales before I'll support it though. Legalization without allowing for sales (Like they just tried in CA) is NOT cool. We do NOT want an Amsterdam model where the big corporations and government take over.

Al Dente

It doesn't address sales at all. It removes penalties for possession, growing, transporting and use for adults. Same as 1068 last year. The only thing that's changed is it specifically directs the Leg to implement laws regarding sales and enforcement, due to the bullshit lack of endorsement raised by the ACLU last year.

ETA I agree the Amsterdam model where the big corporations and government take over would suck, but not as bad as the current USA model where the big corporations and government are in charge.


New Member
It doesn't address sales at all. It removes penalties for possession, growing, transporting and use for adults. Same as 1068 last year. The only thing that's changed is it specifically directs the Leg to implement laws regarding sales and enforcement, due to the bullshit lack of endorsement raised by the ACLU last year.

ETA I agree the Amsterdam model where the big corporations and government take over would suck, but not as bad as the current USA model where the big corporations and government are in charge.
I just read the summary at the sensible wa website and they state it does address sales. So, I hope you are incorrect. If it doesn't address sales it is a bad bill and will not get enough support to pass, nor should it. That's why prop 19 failed in CA, perhaps the most pot friendly state in the country.

Al Dente

No, there is no language in the initiative limiting sales to or by adults or specifying how they should be taxed. Only a section directing the leg to enact law. What sort of legislation regarding sales are you hoping for?


New Member
What sort of legislation regarding sales are you hoping for?
The kind where anyone over the age of 18 can sell it to anyone else over the age of 18 as long as they pay a fair tax. Which is the case for every other legal substance, property or service. Can you think of any other items in our lives that are legal to own and/or use but not sell? Nope.

Al Dente

If I-1149 becomes law it will be legal at the state level to sell (adult to adult) until someone passes laws restricting sales. At least that's my take.


Active Member
It's complete bullshit that the Gov't is trying to regulate use for people on probation. I got a DUI in 07 and have done EVERYTHING to satisfy the court system and I'm STILL on probation just because I don't have enough $$ to pay off fines. If this is legitimately being considered a medicinal treatment, your current legal status should have NOTHING to do with your own medical needs. I am quite upset as I was planning to get my Mmj card like... NOW, but its looking like my MMJ defense wouldnt hold up in court anymore! I fucking HATE the legal system man I can understand when I used to do bad shit years ago and I am STILL taking it in the ass from that.....and now THIS. I didnt think I could hate the system any more, now I cant even medicate myself legally? thanks guys.


New Member
Fuck em bro, just do your thing but be smart about it. Or, consider a move to Cali. Assuming you still have a WA driver's license you can trade it in for a CA license and get an MMJ recommendation no problem. Cali doesn't share info or request info from other states unless you get wrapped up in some really bad shit. Fuck WA, get a fresh start.


Active Member
I just was looking into if the legal stuff can be moved away from and NOPE! I was hoping I could move to alaska and get a license or something.... NOPE! So moving somewhere else...I'd have to come BACK to WA to handle my legal stuff or pay fines to get my license back. Either way I'm ALMOST off probation then I think I'm gonna leave WA, move to ALASKA. The thing is... I've learned I'm a SUCKY criminal, through getting caught a few times for various dumbass-ness. At the time I might not have been in the best condition to make good decisions like I am now... but I just wanna be able to be legit you know.


Active Member
I agree, and in no part EVER wanted to be a "GOOD criminal". Or really consider myself a criminal at all. I feel like I have been MADE to feel that way by the police In the past for smoking weed... it sucks!. GReenthumbbill do you think parolees should get to use mmj??
im kind of conflicted on this. I agree criminals suck though


New Member
I think MMJ is a bunch of bullshit window dressing. Pot should be as legal as blackberry bushes. Everyone who wants to grow, smoke, buy, sell or stick weed up their ass should be able to do so. So yes, parolees should be able to burn. Everyone should.


Active Member
I totally agree, I was watching the news last night and they said governor is going to veto the bill?
As a person on probation, not looking to get into being a provider just a grower for private use isn't this in my best interest? What is this bill doing that is POSITIVE
for the AVERAGE mmj user? Weren't amendments made so protection from arrest and search were removed?
Am I right in my impression that this bill is merely defining the law a bit more so people can have dispensaries and stuff right?. I've always thought
that there was a generation gap right now between say me (im 25) and people in charge (around my parents age 48+)
Those people grew up without computers for god sakes, its like the are from the stone age. I cant STAND
when my dad used to be like "been smokin' that dope?" its like dude, when u say dope it means some hard stuff these days!
I REALLY can't stand people who think its like the worst thing ever and If they find out I smoke thing Im a drug addict/criminal/POS. Youre just naive dumbass people!
the "g4" channel had a 420 edition episode that was just so stereotypical, complete with floating heads. I was like COME ON
not all people who use mmj are STONER burnouts get the INFORMATION out there. I feel like people today are SMARTER, let them decided for their own.