res temps and air pumps


Well-Known Member
Alot of us worry about temps in our resi's and alot of us use air pumps to add o2.
But arnt we just pumping hot air into out resivors raising our temps. Just something i thought of the outher day.

Any Awnsers?


Well-Known Member
even if you have a terrible setup, your air pump is not gonna raise the temp of a large amount of water, think about it.


Well-Known Member
well the res i use for my 2x4 tray is a 12 gal coleman cooler i switch out nutes two days ago water temp around 58 today low 70's. Room temp 80 unless its from my pump runing 15 min every 2.5 hours.
I dint think the pump would heat up the water that much. Pump is a eco pluss 185


Active Member
ur temp will usually always fall right in between daytime temps and nitetime temps. 80 during the day 60 at nite water temp @70
well the res i use for my 2x4 tray is a 12 gal coleman cooler i switch out nutes two days ago water temp around 58 today low 70's. Room temp 80 unless its from my pump runing 15 min every 2.5 hours.
I dint think the pump would heat up the water that much. Pump is a eco pluss 185


Well-Known Member
well the res i use for my 2x4 tray is a 12 gal coleman cooler i switch out nutes two days ago water temp around 58 today low 70's. Room temp 80 unless its from my pump runing 15 min every 2.5 hours.
I dint think the pump would heat up the water that much. Pump is a eco pluss 185

Ambient temps is the only thing bringing up the res temp, not the tiny pump! Blow in a straw with your mouth and try to bring the temps up in a glass of water. You are missing a key fact of physics here.

Drop that line of reasoning.


Well-Known Member
i dint think the pump would do that i just thought it was a bit much for ambiant temps to raise the resi temps 10 - 15 degrees in two days


New Member
Not running your air-pump all the time must be a new fad or something. Is somebody running around telling people to not use their air-pump all the time or are you the same guy I saw last-time?

Ambient temps can bring the temp up in a day. You've never drank a beer outside? Never seen ice melt?

Leave the air-pump on and if you can't cool your water treat your water.