rescued female


Active Member
Whats going on guys at RIU. Well just yesterday i saved this female from a batterd
relationship as you can see by the pics. i going to plant her in something different. this is what she came in. right now im broke so this is what i can do for the next couple days. but the question is when can i clone her? cause thats the plan. before she came into my care she was on a 18/6. should i keep her there. Its going to be very hard to find nutes. all i have is a walmart in my neighborhood for veging. any advice?



Well-Known Member
Dont wrry bout nutes for now. get some jacks classic all purpose$7 and jacks bloom boost$7 when ur ready. Couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Also, position that light above the plant. Its leaning towards the light, its gonna grow crooked. Also get it closer, shes stretchin bad. Good luck, smoke well..