Reserva Privada Sour Kush (Headband) waterfarm


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was a "70 day" strain :lol:. When I grew it, I followed 3 other folks growing it. Every one of them had the same problem as me. Huge plants, never stopped stretching, fluffy as hell, and never fully finished flowering, after 80-100 days.

For the FL humidity, you shouldn't have issues with a decent dehumidifier dude! Throw that dehumidifier to 30-35%, crank it, and dump gallons of water every day as I do. If I leave my dehumidifier off, with the AC running the humidity will go from 30-50 in 2 hours.

I'd reccomend the Sour Kush for your next run. I really really enjoyed it. If you liked that headband that stunk up the room you'll like the sour kush. It's like The sweet sour smells, mixed with very sugary sweet kush smells.. with that diesel just lingering over top. As in you puff a joint, it tastes sweet, sour, and fuely. You leave the room and come back, and DIESEL skunk smell is just stuck to your walls, smells crazy. :lol:

Right now, with this PE I feel like it might be less mold resistant, but I'm not sure yet. I'm getting very grassy smells from the canopy, indicating it's too humid, but at the same time my humidity is fine. So it could just be a mid-flower smell. I can let you know for sure in another 60 days once it's all cured out. The Sour Kush is totally good to go, as you will see with noob78s grow in about 20-30 days. (when they truly explode).
haha shit thats unbelievable, no doubt he bought that cannabis cup. im starting to feel like barney's is like the AN of genetics, so good at advertising but they'll overcharge the shit out of you and probably fuck you over in the end by lying about the product.
and i usually grow outdoor, train the hell out of them so they just branch out and get a bunch of branches that are about equal, that way if one gets mold i probably have like 11 other tops i could just grow out, always good to just cut my losses when its one of those rainy seasons. may start growin indoor very soon though, a dehumidifier will be a necessity for sure. sounds like the headband i know and love, i think im gonna place an order for a few of those beans for next season and do me some breeding, maybe make an F2 then combine it with a few seawarp crosses i have right now, should make them FL-proof as we call it haha. i think i might try sannies durganchitral since it just got back in stock, still on the fence whether i should try something from rcmc, sour kush sounds extremely tempting although. as for that PE, would love to know how it turns out, hopefully the bud is as good as the movie, if those are even comparable :lol: its gotta name to live up to i guess you could say. that hay smell is usually temporary for most of the strains i grow out, its there for maybe a week or two but it usually starts to stink again after they ress up a bit, or like you said when they come outta cure, thats usually when they smell the best.


Active Member
Yeah it was a "70 day" strain :lol:. When I grew it, I followed 3 other folks growing it. Every one of them had the same problem as me. Huge plants, never stopped stretching, fluffy as hell, and never fully finished flowering, after 80-100 days.

For the FL humidity, you shouldn't have issues with a decent dehumidifier dude! Throw that dehumidifier to 30-35%, crank it, and dump gallons of water every day as I do. If I leave my dehumidifier off, with the AC running the humidity will go from 30-50 in 2 hours.

I'd reccomend the Sour Kush for your next run. I really really enjoyed it. If you liked that headband that stunk up the room you'll like the sour kush. It's like The sweet sour smells, mixed with very sugary sweet kush smells.. with that diesel just lingering over top. As in you puff a joint, it tastes sweet, sour, and fuely. You leave the room and come back, and DIESEL skunk smell is just stuck to your walls, smells crazy. :lol:

Right now, with this PE I feel like it might be less mold resistant, but I'm not sure yet. I'm getting very grassy smells from the canopy, indicating it's too humid, but at the same time my humidity is fine. So it could just be a mid-flower smell. I can let you know for sure in another 60 days once it's all cured out. The Sour Kush is totally good to go, as you will see with noob78s grow in about 20-30 days. (when they truly explode).

:lol: so right. Another setup would work too! Or even a veg space would make it easier, but that's too much light/elec for me to run at once in my current setup.

And yes I think there will always be something you want to grow. Is this your first grow by the way? I never asked.

Once you smoke that cured home grown, and your HIGH as giraffe pussy.. Your thinking, "Damn.. I grew this shit, with water and food, light and attention. I didn't even think about smoking it at the time, but this is the BEST shit EVER! Shit, this won't last forever though. What do I want to smoke next? Damn, I always wanted to try that ______, it's a 60 day flower right? Damn I could be smoking that in..... NOVEMEMBER? I better get seeds and get started immediately! After I finish this joint........ :eyesmoke:" :lol:

Again, hard to draw final conclusions on the PE. Hardly any hairs have turned on the Pineapple Express, so I don't know what the final product is. I did have some pineapple express a bit back in the day (let me go get pictures after I post this).

The Sour Kush is strong strong odor though, if you cure it out correctly, and don't dry it out too fast. I had to bring some jars boarding with me, cuz I was done drying when I had to leave for a week *doh*.Cool tho cuz I bought a few zips and a volcano + the sour kush I was curing. Anyway we were staying in this 3 floor house, with 40 ft celings. I left my jars up in the loft, above the kitchen, half way up to the 40 ft ceiling. Anyway, I busted those fuckers open, and closed the drawer half way, and went down stairs to get ready. Someone from the basement was walking up the stairs, about 3 minutes later, and goes "DAMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNN whos smokin THAT shit!? I want to get in on that! Then a few other people catch on... DAMN is that the sour kush??" I'm also wondering who this person is talking about, until I realized the smell from the sour kush jars (4 days cured) must have made its way over the loft, and down the stairs into the nostrils of someone else. Like literally a huge huge cabin, 8 full bathrooms 12 rooms type deal, and it took 3-5 minutes to stinkbomb 75% of the house. None of the other weed we brought would stink up any more than the room, but 4 jars of that sour kush.. instant stink bomb :lol:. .... So yes, you will be a happy camper with stinky smells :).
No this is not my first grow per se. I first one hermed in week 6 of flower(GHS great white shark) so this will be my first all the way through. figures crossed. So this will be my third plant (had a bubba 76 that I butchered than went hermie real real noob) I hope mine stinks up the room like yours lol.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Ahhh Bagseed hermie or what?

Regardless, for this to be your first complete grow that's bad ass your doing a great job.


Active Member
Ahhh Bagseed hermie or what?

Regardless, for this to be your first complete grow that's bad ass your doing a great job.
Thanks I owe you a great deal for this grow, First grow was seeds i got from the tude. My bubba 76 hermed and fucked my great white shark up.

IMG_1428.jpgIMG_1433.jpg Great White Shark before death.


Active Member
Today is day 24 of 12/12 nothing much to report as not much going on but filling out some. Although tucking leaves my hands get crazy sticky. Starting to frost up. just waiting for it to fill out I think in two weeks.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Looks good, now if you start seeing little burn spots here and there, brown colored and crispy back that light off immediately ;).

Looking good from here !

I'm about to water my girls, but the COLD water comes out of the tap HOT, so I'm letting the water get to room temp before watering.

Yes, it's so hot outside here, that you can't get anything colder than bath water out of the sink!


Active Member
Looks good, now if you start seeing little burn spots here and there, brown colored and crispy back that light off immediately ;).

Looking good from here !

I'm about to water my girls, but the COLD water comes out of the tap HOT, so I'm letting the water get to room temp before watering.

Yes, it's so hot outside here, that you can't get anything colder than bath water out of the sink!
Thanks for the advice. Its just too hot to do anything over here right now, will get better by thursday for me, but even at this heat my temps are 84 max. so I hope that won't hurt that much.


Active Member
Expecting 92 tomorrow on the East Coast! I am getting ready to install my AC right now. After cleaning it of course. The only thing I have going for me is my room is on the shady side of the house but a few days of 90+ F weather and the whole house is going to get hot. Good luck Noob they are looking frosty! Did you try any finger hash yet? ;-)


Active Member
Expecting 92 tomorrow on the East Coast! I am getting ready to install my AC right now. After cleaning it of course. The only thing I have going for me is my room is on the shady side of the house but a few days of 90+ F weather and the whole house is going to get hot. Good luck Noob they are looking frosty! Did you try any finger hash yet? ;-)
I have tried some premature finger hash was the best part of the Yes were expecting mid 90's tommorrow. hot hot hot (Buster Piondexter anyone remember him).


Active Member
Woke up this morning and did some tucking and when I got finished my fingers were so sticky, I couldn't touch anything with out stickin, Man this is a sticky beast

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I have tried some premature finger hash was the best part of the Yes were expecting mid 90's tommorrow. hot hot hot (Buster Piondexter anyone remember him).

Mid 90s? That must be soooooo terrible.. Psyche!! :lol:

110f today. Absolute low of 84 in the middle of the night. 114f two days ago.

The only difference between our weather would be humidity, and in that case I'd take an extra 40% humidity for 20F off the high of the day :lol:.


Active Member

Mid 90s? That must be soooooo terrible.. Psyche!! :lol:

110f today. Absolute low of 84 in the middle of the night. 114f two days ago.

The only difference between our weather would be humidity, and in that case I'd take an extra 40% humidity for 20F off the high of the day :lol:.
It was 93 average with like 65% humidity, lows were 80 same humidity, But 114 man that's hot,by the way your PE is looking fabulous.bongsmilie


Active Member
Day 26 12/12IMG_1712.jpgIMG_1711.jpgIMG_1715.jpg
ppm 1020
humidity 31%
Temp 81 degrees (damn heat wave)
The burnt leaves is from when I had the light to close, Damn noob mistake lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
The burnt leaves is from when I had the light to close, Damn noob mistake lol
Everyone does that, usually more than a few times :lol:. It takes trial and error to truly understand where everything should be.

So don't sweat it! Just take a mental note ;). Just know the next grow will be even better!


Active Member
Everyone does that, usually more than a few times :lol:. It takes trial and error to truly understand where everything should be.

So don't sweat it! Just take a mental note ;). Just know the next grow will be even better!
That is the truth there, really looking forward to try the zip ties for my next grow, my try chocolope

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I hear chocolope is a tall sativa! Go for it if you have the vertical, just flower when they are on the smaller side. :) I've had chocolope on my radar ever since it won cannabis cup in 2008.