Rest in peace, Mr Nice!

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
It just shows you, no matter how much pot you smoke- cancer will find you.

Have a safe journey Howard!
No disrespect intended to the departed Mr Marks or those leaving tributes. But Howard's journey has ended. As of today, science nor medicine has yet to find an antidote for Howard's expiration, my eventual death, or anyone who stumbles upon this post. Or doesn't.

So.....have a nice day !! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Damn...I just bought some Mr.Nice seeds..Rest In Peace. Defiantly one of the reasons I got into cannabis.

ky man

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3655591 View attachment 3655592

Guy certainly lived a good life hopefully the afterlife is green like this for everyone cool. :bigjoint:

Going to need to plant my Shit in memory. :weed: He did name it kind of just walked in and said "it smells like shit" or some shit and I was happy with the first pack to the 3rd now on to 4 and 5. :leaf:;)
YES he did live a good life BUT 7 years of it was in the states in a hell


Well-Known Member
YES he did live a good life BUT 7 years of it was in the states in a hell
Much better than life like many are doing for cannabis 7 years does suck but I know people doing a lot more time for a whole lot less. Not to mention you know it was great being Mr. Nice the hash smuggler well worth the 7 years he would have been a nobody without the book and all never would have done any work with Shantibaba or been even talked about in the cannabis world. He died at like 70 years old yeah he lived a great life and only 7 years of shit he was probably smuggling longer.

ky man

Well-Known Member
7 YEARS is a long time any way you look at it and no money is not worth no ones freedam.YES there has been many people that did moor time and still doing time, BUT NOT ONE DAM PERSON LIKES DOING TIME shot or long term money can not buy your life back that was lost doing time.