resting time when to switch to flowering


Well-Known Member
you can just switch to 12/12 ...some do 24 hour of darkness and some don't its really a personal preference. some plants respond well and some it makes no difference.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...the big thing you'll want to focus on here is not to stress the plant when you do change your photoperiod. If your on 24/0 now, switch to 18/6 for a short period before you switch to 12/12. Too quick of a switch to 12/12 from 24/0 is said to induce hermies due to the unnatural photo change so quickly. FYI, you'll get many opinions on this....everyone has something different they like to do. Just think " LITTLE STRESS AS POSSIBLE" to be safe, whatever you try.


Active Member
thank you so much...
after for 1 month maturing on 18/6 , it has been on 12/12 for 2 days at 6500k.
no i am going to move it to 2700k room. and 12/12...