Reveg for how long to take clones?


Active Member
Question for you folks. I currently have 2 plants that have been on a 12/12 light schedule for about 6 days now. One is definitely a female...other might be a male. I've decided i want to take clones from the fem and i'm in no real hurry to get a harvest from her just yet. How long should i keep her on a 18/6 schedule before i start taking cuttings from her? So far, i only see pistils on the top 2-3 nodes.


Well-Known Member
You can take clones as early as now if you really doesn't make that much of a difference imo....or you can go 18/6 and it will probably take a week o0r so to go back into veg....but either way your good..


Active Member
Thank you so much for the quick reply. I'll put her back on 18/6 with the MH starting tomorrow. So, if i decide to take the cuttings now, i can just put them straight into 18/6 and they should be good?


Well-Known Member
I would run 24 hour light on clones that your trying to root..once you see roots then its ok to go 18/6...I would probably go 24 on the mom too it will help it snap out of flower mode easier...imo..


Well-Known Member
I would probably go 24 on the mom too it will help it snap out of flower mode easier...imo..
Thats exactly what i had to do,i have 4 females that i now use for mothers,i put everything on 12/12 then after a week & a half i knew i wanted those 4 to use as mothers,after 3 weeks of 18/6 they didnt have any new growth so i put them on 24/7,i got new growth within a few days.

24/7 snapped them right out of bud & back into veg.