Revegged mess! Pruning Advice?

hey peeps-
i have a big old trainwreck cross that i threw outside way early, it partially flowered in april (oops), sat there doing nothing for all of may, and a few weeks ago began new vegetative growth.
"bushy" does not begin to describe the new growth! it's like every little sucker-bud is a growth tip now. the 6 or 7 main branches all now have seemingly hundreds of new branches growing out of them in all directions...
it's just at the point where it's growing "real" leaves again instead of those single blades re-veggers get, and i think some major pruning is in order or else it looks like i'll end up with thousands of .1g buds :)
anybody dealt with something like this before? if i leave it alone will it continue on it's path toward becoming a big leaf tangle?