revegging a buded plant?


Well-Known Member
my question here is probly one that many people think to there selves but i wana figure out how to take my full size out door plants that buded and havest them but then bring them back indoors and put them on 4/20 hour cycle. ive heard of people doing this but ive never seen it. this one guy i just met said he havested the same plant 5 times. if you take all the buds wont the plant die? does any dank grower know how to prune a plant for this kind of grow?


Well-Known Member
so it would be a bad idea to reflower this plant ? she was harvested in late december..and has been back at 18/6 since then , i have done a lot of pruning of the old dead bud and dying vegetaion..and i must say , she looks as if she could go another round of 12/12 ....imo



Well-Known Member
so it would be a bad idea to reflower this plant ? she was harvested in late december..and has been back at 18/6 since then , i have done a lot of pruning of the old dead bud and dying vegetaion..and i must say , she looks as if she could go another round of 12/12 ....imo
if it is still growing after you harvested it and what not then you can re-flower if you want, shit i say more power to you, i saw a pretty sweet grow journal on here before and it was two revegged plants in a rubbermaid stealth grow


Well-Known Member
if it is still growing after you harvested it and what not then you can re-flower if you want, shit i say more power to you, i saw a pretty sweet grow journal on here before and it was two revegged plants in a rubbermaid stealth grow

the buds i got from her were great , and i grew them under cfl's..but i just got a 400 hps . thats what i would pound her with :hump:


Well-Known Member
awsome plants man they look great flower away! good growing. i have a couple ssh clones about that big about a week in flower.


Well-Known Member
well im talking about growing a 2 lb plant out doors and then bring it back in for revegging during winter and havest it again and reveg again and then take them out next summer and so forthmy plants will be gigantic


Well-Known Member
Revegging works very well and subsequent harvests can be heavier AND every bit as good as the first. I've been doing for many years, some do it as a matter of course. I have two revegged plants on flowering no.2 in my thread now. I know a guy whos been happily smoking off the same 2 plants for over 5 years, a Hindu Kush & an AK47, its all down to understanding the needs of the individual plant.

You dont need to leave much on at all, few of those low popcorn buds will do, 24/0 or even 18/6 will pull them back round in about 14 to 21 days at which point you will see new green shoots appearing, twisty single blade leaf then normal serrated 3 bladers etc etc. Plain water only to flush those flowering nutes too, just leave them be and watch them reveg :-)


Well-Known Member
421 veiws only 9 comments haha. well because of this thread im growing4 revegged plants that are looking great and even bigger then they were. wish i had pictures thier savages. peace.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm planning on a reharvest of my plants when they are done as well.
ill be watching your thread, keep us updated on how it goes "Bud"


Well-Known Member
those look like some tasty buds. i have a cell phone i could take pitures on but i dont have the usb cable. i could probly get one at radio shack?