riding the horse...


Well-Known Member
About halfway through a 20 over three nights. Kinda worried... any truth behind the infamous "3 days in a row and its got you..." saying?


Well-Known Member
Everybody is different. Some can go for weeks and then simply stop, some just fall in love with the stuff quickly and don't want to not be on it for any length of time at all - this isn't addiction just yet, but it feels that way. The more time you spend on it the less appealing not being on it becomes and that is the real difficulty with all such substances.


Well-Known Member
I'm no stranger to addiction. I know I'm not psychologically addicted. I just don't wanna become physically dependent on it. I'm gonna stay away from it for a few days. Maybe a week or so.

Just wanna stay a chipper.


Well-Known Member
i dont know how u can go that long. one night for me was good, next mornin throwing up everything i had. deff not worth it for me.


Well-Known Member
You don't want to do dope more than once or twice a week. It's really easy to over do and dependance sneaks up on you. If you aren't dependent or feeling a craving put it down for a week before finishing the bag.