right decisions?

Hi its me again after my leaf problem I decided to cut the leaves which looked pretty bad. Hope that was the right decision! Couple of.pic to show the state of the leaves and after the haircut! Lol just to remind you its a autoflower automazar growing under a 200 w cfl its almost the fourth week from seed water twice a day about 2 to 3 liters a day depending on what it drinks 26 degrees ph= 6.3 I need opinion on what I did and advice for what I should so next . Ta IMAG0034.jpgIMAG0035.jpgIMAG0032.jpgIMAG0033.jpg


Well-Known Member
watering twice per day is a little much my friend.

weed/cannabis doesn't need that much water.. I only water mine 3 time per week.

watering less actually makes for a better root network.. because with using less water, your forcing the roots to have to actually move (develop) to reach the available water.. therefore making for a better/bigger root system/network.. and therefore, making for a bigger and more robust plant. The better/bigger your root systems.. the better/healthier/bigger the plants will be.. therefore, the bigger/better the buds will be at harvest time.

good luck.

Ta for the advice . I was mainly concerned about the trimmings than the rest lol but thanks for the advice will remember this . Want an opinion on the haircut! Lol


Well-Known Member
The hair cut is nice but it would not have been needed if you slowed your roll on the water. Your drownding her and she is stressing because of it brotha. Treat that lady like it was you wife be good to her so she will return the love to you with some headies


Well-Known Member
Wtf you worrying about trimming the leave off?
That is 3 degree nute burn:lol: Your plant is damaged
and will never be the same. You could of posted
your type of dirt and nute's so I won't use'em!
What did you feed'em?


New Member
Somewhere in the back of my mind I have this old info that says not to remove the burnt leaves because the plant is packing the excess nutes into those leaves , if you remove the leaves it will choose new leaves to put the excess into. It's way back in there but I think maybe I learned that in horticulture.....