Riots takeover greece


New Member
People riot over everything nowadays.
What do you think would happen to us if we rioted over something minor, like a cop killing a teenager. Happens most every day in this country, cops get away with killing citizens like it's nothing. We're so used to it that no-one even cares. Doesn't even make the front page, somewhere around page 10-12 of the metro section, " suspect killed in shootout with police" and he didn't even have a gun.


Well-Known Member
I remember when a cop killed on of the "homies" in Decoto back in '74. Riots ensued and the Chief of Police, William Cann, was murdered one block from my house (while giving a speech at the church no less)as payback.


Active Member
i just found it interesting that the pics on google have been taken off... and i feel like its hard 2 find sites that r documenting it... it wus way ezier 2 find sometin about it about a week ago....


Well-Known Member
greece is full of european leftists that think money comes out of thin all the welfare check's have been cut off because their country is broke..( like ours) their police are out of control like our's their government is corrupt like ours...the ammount of money congress just gave to the banksters is criminal...i wonder what is going to happen when uncle sugar is so broke he cant pay people social security or welfare..there wont be many jobs....i wonder what is going to happen ?i wonder how long a armed population will starve and suffer?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
At this point I don't know if there is anything that would make people in this country riot. At least in any real way. If they did riot it will not be to run the crooks out, it will be to demand that the government come in and save them. Feed them provide them with their wretched things. As if the government has money (it doesn't) Most people will demand socialism.

The leftists in power will give them Socialism to and happily, once there is sufficient outcry from the masses. Obama only needs two more states to put in for a constitutional convention (Con-Con) and the Leftists in power will be able to totally rewrite the constitution. Obama has already said that the Constitution is full of things the government can't do but nothing on what they should do for the people.

As long as people think they can get something for free from the government they will back it up. We live in interesting times....


Well-Known Member
At this point I don't know if there is anything that would make people in this country riot. At least in any real way. If they did riot it will not be to run the crooks out, it will be to demand that the government come in and save them. Feed them provide them with their wretched things. As if the government has money (it doesn't) Most people will demand socialism.

The leftists in power will give them Socialism to and happily, once there is sufficient outcry from the masses. Obama only needs two more states to put in for a constitutional convention (Con-Con) and the Leftists in power will be able to totally rewrite the constitution. Obama has already said that the Constitution is full of things the government can't do but nothing on what they should do for the people.

As long as people think they can get something for free from the government they will back it up. We live in interesting times....
as you well know..socialism brings nothing but poverty and misery to the population's...and as you know...socialism has NEVER EVER worked..not one time..for any period of has always been a failure..the people are like bears..they are all nice and friendly when you are feeding them..much like at yellowstone feed the cute grizzly..isnt he cute and fuzzy and friendly?i think ill keep feeding him...cause he like's feed him for a few months..he gets to where he likes it..its a free meal..hell yea he likes it..pretty soon his other grizzly friends show up...the food you have been feeding them however comes from the guy accross the street you go and continue to get his food..more and more to feed more and more grizzlys that keep showing up..pretty soon the farmer in the field cannot farm enough to feed all the bears you just attracted..what happens is the farmer will finnaly say fuck this....and pick his shit up and go somewhere he can make proffit off of his ..the guy who was feeding all these grizzlys no longer has any food left to feed them....they are all standing around...he is looking at them..and they are looking at him...wonder where the hell the free meal is? they are getting hungry and pissed..the guy feeding them try's to explain he no longer has any food..but the bears have now become to rely on him for their meal's.and dont kno how to hunt.any longer..LOL..gues who gets eat next?this little story plays itself out over and over again in history...and if the bear dont eat the guy who has been feeding them..the other outcome is the bears starve to death...i can show you this around the world..example after example...


Well-Known Member
At this point I don't know if there is anything that would make people in this country riot. At least in any real way. If they did riot it will not be to run the crooks out, it will be to demand that the government come in and save them. Feed them provide them with their wretched things. As if the government has money (it doesn't) Most people will demand socialism.

The leftists in power will give them Socialism to and happily, once there is sufficient outcry from the masses. Obama only needs two more states to put in for a constitutional convention (Con-Con) and the Leftists in power will be able to totally rewrite the constitution. Obama has already said that the Constitution is full of things the government can't do but nothing on what they should do for the people.

As long as people think they can get something for free from the government they will back it up. We live in interesting times....
as you well know..socialism brings nothing but poverty and misery to the population's...and as you know...socialism has NEVER EVER worked..not one time..for any period of has always been a failure..the people are like bears..they are all nice and friendly when you are feeding them..much like at yellowstone feed the cute grizzly..isnt he cute and fuzzy and friendly?i think ill keep feeding him...cause he like's feed him for a few months..he gets to where he likes it..its a free meal..hell yea he likes it..pretty soon his other grizzly friends show up...the food you have been feeding them however comes from the guy accross the street you go and continue to get his food..more and more to feed more and more grizzlys that keep showing up..pretty soon the farmer in the field cannot farm enough to feed all the bears you just attracted..what happens is the farmer will finnaly say fuck this....and pick his shit up and go somewhere he can make proffit off of his ..the guy who was feeding all these grizzlys no longer has any food left to feed them....they are all standing around...he is looking at them..and they are looking at him...wonder where the hell the free meal is? they are getting hungry and pissed..the guy feeding them try's to explain he no longer has any food..but the bears have now become to rely on him for their meal's.and dont kno how to hunt.any longer..LOL..gues who gets eat next?this little story plays itself out over and over again in history...and if the bear dont eat the guy who has been feeding them..the other outcome is the bears starve to death...i can show you this around the world..example after example...:hump:


New Member
as you well know..socialism brings nothing but poverty and misery to the population's...and as you know...socialism has NEVER EVER worked..not one time..for any period of has always been a failure..the people are like bears..they are all nice and friendly when you are feeding them..much like at yellowstone feed the cute grizzly..isnt he cute and fuzzy and friendly?i think ill keep feeding him...cause he like's feed him for a few months..he gets to where he likes it..its a free meal..hell yea he likes it..pretty soon his other grizzly friends show up...the food you have been feeding them however comes from the guy accross the street you go and continue to get his food..more and more to feed more and more grizzlys that keep showing up..pretty soon the farmer in the field cannot farm enough to feed all the bears you just attracted..what happens is the farmer will finnaly say fuck this....and pick his shit up and go somewhere he can make proffit off of his ..the guy who was feeding all these grizzlys no longer has any food left to feed them....they are all standing around...he is looking at them..and they are looking at him...wonder where the hell the free meal is? they are getting hungry and pissed..the guy feeding them try's to explain he no longer has any food..but the bears have now become to rely on him for their meal's.and dont kno how to hunt.any longer..LOL..gues who gets eat next?this little story plays itself out over and over again in history...and if the bear dont eat the guy who has been feeding them..the other outcome is the bears starve to death...i can show you this around the world..example after example...:hump:
Capitalism is just now experiencing the trials and tribulations of excessive greed. We'll have to stay tuned to see how this plays out. It is pretty clear that no matter what happens, in a capitalist society, those with the capital will always come out on top, and those without will starve. So in theory, there are about 5% of the populace that are truly capitalists. That means roughly 15 million people will survive, unless the populace revolts and starts eating the rich for dinner. I can just see the CEO of AIG roasting on a spit with a thousand hungry serfs waiting for a morsel. Ahhh Justice is so sweet. I hope all you capitalist pigs get invited to dinner,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I was in Athens last year. There was an underlying tension all the time. Trash was everywhere, trash collectors were on strike. Half the population of Greece lives in Athens, its crowded. There are also a lot of Middle Eastern people in Athens and many of the Greeks were not happy with that. They felt they were losing their jobs to them, and it was driving up the cost of living. That was last Christmas, but I didn't expect this but it doesn't surprise me either.


Well-Known Member
You know I hope your right max, I really do.

But their are so many people who blame free-market capitalism for this mess when in reality it was never truly a free market. You know when times get tough, for the Bears, they come into town to break in to your home to get to your pantry, garbage cans and cars. We had socialism to some great extent under Roosevelt and the people loved it by in large but Obama is in no way going to be able to afford the kind of stuff Roosevelt put in place. IMHO he is more then welcome to try, no by all means, I hope he gets us in $50 trillion in debt. Debt to bankers who can just fire up the old printing press and count on us paying for it all.

Med I can't agree with you more on the eating to capitalists. But for different reasons.


Well-Known Member
those printing press's are just a ponzi scheme waiting to come down..the printing press's will not stop the inflation or failure..maybe delay it for a short time...not very long if they cant get the money they are printing loaned into the economy...the only solution with the federal reserve is eventual failure...and it is on the SPADES...the deflation in the market you are seeing right now is because the banks cant loan the money to already broke people who have lost their equity..we are going to have deflation as it is being seen right now..the banks are flush with printed money that they cannot lend into the economy..if the government starts spending money they will increase the debt..and interest payments..matter of fact many municapalitys are filing bankrupcty right order to borrow money..and no one wants to lend someone bankrupt money..but they have to pay hugely high interest rates on any loans they do receive..the tax payer is tapped out..and the government cant tax the unemployed very much...interest rates are going to be very high on government bonds..jim rogers is shorting government bonds right now..and i concure with the defaults and bankruptcys going on...after bankruptcy buying tax free government bonds at high interest rates might be a good thing...but would they pay it back?they might pay it back for awile..but the government is going to default....this is good news for shorts..another excellent investor i listen to is mark faber...he says we are going through a period of deflation...we could hit a period of stagflation..where most things in the economy are deflating...and commoditys are going up in price..such as gold..and i concure...the more money they print the more commoditys are going to cost..just do to the moneys not being worth much..the average joe does not buy gold..or demand for fuel is going to be low though...because manifacturing is going to STOP..other than some government spending....because of proposed capital gains tax increases up to 30% investors are going to take their money and put it off america is going to get a nice kick in the teeth ..a DISASTEROUS KICK IN THE'' i love this stock market...i really do...there is so much money being made by the smart right now....if you look around the poker table and you are looking for the sucker..and you cant identify him...then its YOU..LOL....ive been shorting oil for a good while about done shorting oil pretty soon..although i think it has a ways to fall yet...gas should hit a buck a gallon before i stop shorting oil.....after it hits a dollar a gallon i think i might buy some HAL ..symbol for haliburton.HAL pays good dividends and has NO DEBT..they are positioned well to survive any economic downturn ..even a prolonged one the economy...i like companys with no debt right now..or a gimmic...such as HEV..they are a company looking to proffit from a obama admin....they are researchers and developers of lithium ion battery packs for hybrid and pure electirc car's ..i do think..that we are having a small bear market rally right now..and the over all trend in the market is going to be DOWN...there really is no good news..but the markets are making huge positive moves on news of for example a big three auto bail out that wont last 2 month worth of cash burn..for them..then they will still have to file chapter 11...over all the market trends are down..with shorting the market over the next few years is going to be proffitable..and market segment shorting is even going to be better at times depending on what shoe is droping at what time in the news....:hump:


New Member
those printing press's are just a ponzi scheme waiting to come down..the printing press's will not stop the inflation or failure..maybe delay it for a short time...not very long if they cant get the money they are printing loaned into the economy...the only solution with the federal reserve is eventual failure...and it is on the SPADES...the deflation in the market you are seeing right now is because the banks cant loan the money to already broke people who have lost their equity..we are going to have deflation as it is being seen right now..the banks are flush with printed money that they cannot lend into the economy..if the government starts spending money they will increase the debt..and interest payments..matter of fact many municapalitys are filing bankrupcty right order to borrow money..and no one wants to lend someone bankrupt money..but they have to pay hugely high interest rates on any loans they do receive..the tax payer is tapped out..and the government cant tax the unemployed very much...interest rates are going to be very high on government bonds..jim rogers is shorting government bonds right now..and i concure with the defaults and bankruptcys going on...after bankruptcy buying tax free government bonds at high interest rates might be a good thing...but would they pay it back?they might pay it back for awile..but the government is going to default....this is good news for shorts..another excellent investor i listen to is mark faber...he says we are going through a period of deflation...we could hit a period of stagflation..where most things in the economy are deflating...and commoditys are going up in price..such as gold..and i concure...the more money they print the more commoditys are going to cost..just do to the moneys not being worth much..the average joe does not buy gold..or demand for fuel is going to be low though...because manifacturing is going to STOP..other than some government spending....because of proposed capital gains tax increases up to 30% investors are going to take their money and put it off america is going to get a nice kick in the teeth ..a DISASTEROUS KICK IN THE'' i love this stock market...i really do...there is so much money being made by the smart right now....if you look around the poker table and you are looking for the sucker..and you cant identify him...then its YOU..LOL....ive been shorting oil for a good while about done shorting oil pretty soon..although i think it has a ways to fall yet...gas should hit a buck a gallon before i stop shorting oil.....after it hits a dollar a gallon i think i might buy some HAL ..symbol for haliburton.HAL pays good dividends and has NO DEBT..they are positioned well to survive any economic downturn ..even a prolonged one the economy...i like companys with no debt right now..or a gimmic...such as HEV..they are a company looking to proffit from a obama admin....they are researchers and developers of lithium ion battery packs for hybrid and pure electirc car's ..i do think..that we are having a small bear market rally right now..and the over all trend in the market is going to be DOWN...there really is no good news..but the markets are making huge positive moves on news of for example a big three auto bail out that wont last 2 month worth of cash burn..for them..then they will still have to file chapter 11...over all the market trends are down..with shorting the market over the next few years is going to be proffitable..and market segment shorting is even going to be better at times depending on what shoe is droping at what time in the news....:hump:
Generally speaking, for that is all I'm qualified to do, if an equity starts to fail, the market steps in and closes down the short market, not saying that early shorts can't make a pile, but once it is apparent that the stock may tank, they stop taking short positions, or a few large traders may short the stock right off the market.


Well-Known Member
the only shorting stops i have seen were on finnancials..and those were lifted..maybe you know something i dont know..and yea..its like making free free loading on your retirement and others retirement..seems everyone's retirement accounts are going dry..and mine keeps getting larger..whats up with that med?LOL


New Member
the only shorting stops i have seen were on finnancials..and those were lifted..maybe you know something i dont know..and yea..its like making free free loading on your retirement and others retirement..seems everyone's retirement accounts are going dry..and mine keeps getting larger..whats up with that med?LOL
What's up with that max is you're becoming a larger target every day. If I were you, I'd buy a bulletproof vest and an armored car with all your money, when all those retirement accounts dry up, you're gonna need them.