RIU Hacked?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I haven't had that problem. I browse RIU with both IE and Firefox. I tried to go to WonderComments and was unable because it was flagged by Google for Malware. It seems to be a Google issue.


Well-Known Member
it could be as simple as someone posting content (images etc) from that wondercomments website here. I wouldn't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
If you get malware from another site like pirate bay or fastpass tv or even pornhub. google will detect it when its embedded even though you cant see it when you normally browse. I would go to settings and clear your history / cookies / cache from beggining of time

The Stig

Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you take all your weed put it on a box and ship it to me... the feds are looking for you...

or you could have a computer virus... :lol:

but better be safe than sorry so send me everthing lol...
bongsmilie :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Only way it would be a problem here is if it were an XSS. But vBulletin has done a pretty good job of covering that over the years. I wouldn't worry too much, just as long as you know you are landing on a rollitup.com domain and not this other site.