RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
generic meal plans wouldnt work for various reasons
current level of exercise
how many calories you need is pretty specific to each person
area of world (ie: different foods in american vs europe)
time frame for cooking how busy you are
and cost
and than of course
likes/dislikes /allergens/intolerance's/
Male early 30's no allergies, Mexico, 235lbs, cost doesnt matter, P90x, and about 30 min prep time


Well-Known Member
Sunni, you could really help here!

I'm sure I'm like a lot of others and pretty cluless about diet. I've decided to make a real effort and what your saying makes a lot of sense.

Would really appreciate any advice.


Well-Known Member
Sunni, you could really help here!

I'm sure I'm like a lot of others and pretty cluless about diet. I've decided to make a real effort and what your saying makes a lot of sense.

Would really appreciate any advice.
Edit : I don't know what weight I am but not fat just unhealthy. I drink, smoke and eat on the move a lot.

I don't buy much food in because I always end up throwing it out and tend to eat out a lot. Is there anything I could do to stop myself dying by 50?


Staff member
Sunni, you could really help here!

I'm sure I'm like a lot of others and pretty cluless about diet. I've decided to make a real effort and what your saying makes a lot of sense.

Would really appreciate any advice.
so my biggest advice is stick to natural whole foods.

If you cant pronounce a word on the label dont eat it.
stop buying premade things like ketchup, granola bars, ect. generally they are just filled with sugar ,fat and crap

Eat in moderation
Red meat (portion should be size of your closed fist)
sugar/sweets candy
chips ect

Remember that the world of food is basically a marketing scheme
if it says 100 calorie snack pack or smart calories meals, low fat, low calorie its basically a chemical shitstorm of bad processed crap

Most "Protein" bars or "Health " bars are literally glorified candy bars and arent good for you


Well-Known Member
so my biggest advice is stick to natural whole foods.

If you cant pronounce a word on the label dont eat it.
stop buying premade things like ketchup, granola bars, ect. generally they are just filled with sugar ,fat and crap

Eat in moderation
Red meat (portion should be size of your closed fist)
sugar/sweets candy
chips ect

Remember that the world of food is basically a marketing scheme
if it says 100 calorie snack pack or smart calories meals, low fat, low calorie its basically a chemical shitstorm of bad processed crap

Most "Protein" bars or "Health " bars are literally glorified candy bars and arent good for you
So you advise clean eating? Should we believe Tosca Reno?


Staff member
So you advise clean eating? Should we believe Tosca Reno?
well of course i advise clean eating, im in school to be a nutritionist
but this thread is about weightloss and how to achieve it , and i believe my methods would help others significantly
but i mean dont completely ever limit yourself, everything in moderation, wine, beer, while shouldnt be done excessively you need to be able to have a beer, or a donut or a "bad" meal every once in a while ...


Well-Known Member
could actually eo with a bit of advice from anyone who has a little weights or gym knowledge.
So 3 of my friends are into weights and do a 4 day split. I went on Tue and worked chest and bi's with them, obv at a Much lower weight but I'm still sore and it's two days later.

Spoke to them and they can't see by their own regimes and think I should work out with them but I think my aims are totally different.

I don't want to bulk just get a bit stronger, fitter and faster. Been playing football again and although it's great cardio I'm just not as good as I used to be or want to be.

I'm getting injured more aswell and recovery is long and sore. Is it just my age or should I just try and power through in the knowledge it'll get easier?

I'm 30 now.
Learn to train with a kettlebell. When i was a kid i used to play water polo semi professionally (got paid if the team won a game). Once you made the team you got your own kettlebell to take home. If you start snatching and swinging that thing regularly you will be hard as a rock. Plus you dont need a gym to do it. Ive aways had a kettlebell since, on the 24kg now, same used in the army aparently.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sunni, great advice

What kind of quick healthy lunches for work could I realistically make? I don't have much cooking experience and I'm usually tight for time.


Well-Known Member
What kind of quick healthy lunches for work could I realistically make? I don't have much cooking experience and I'm usually tight for time.
Cook a lot in one sitting and freeze in portions. I make a couple of dishes once a week and freeze some of it and eat some kind of salad every other day, salads are quick to make.


Staff member
Thanks Sunni, great advice

What kind of quick healthy lunches for work could I realistically make? I don't have much cooking experience and I'm usually tight for time.
yuh yuh

Wraps are good just use whole wheat over white
-you can do turkey cranberry lettuce
-roast beef and horseradish
-black berry wrap with avocado lettuce
-peanutbutter banana wrap (if youre feeling sweet)

Hummus, and cut up veggies (hummus over ranch dip anyday!)
a smoothie with protein powder in it
fruit with yogurt dip

Salads, obviously pretty much the quickest thing ever
- spinach, kale, strawberries, radishes, goat cheese ,blueberries, sunflower seeds, and a homemade dressing


Well-Known Member
if youre exercising properly on a regiment, you shouldnt care about the 2.5 g of fat in your oatmeal lol..its always better to eat 5-7 smaller meals throughout the day..than to eat big ass meals 3 times a day. when im cutting i take in between 100-150 g carbs daily between waking up and 4 pm.. my foods after 4 pm are limited to lean protein sources, chicken, fish, certain cuts of red meat usually top sirloin..and low carb vegetables like broccoli. really theres no need for carbs after a certain point in the day, (unless trying to gain) you dont need any more fuel at 8 pm when you sleep at 10. last meal for me is about 730pm but sleep at 1030 also a good method of practice is casein protein.its a clumping protein that slowly gets used over 8 hours while asleep..when you sleep if you dont have a fuel source for your body's natural processes itll pull from muscle for energy (catabolism). really what it boils down to is whole foods. i cut breads..theres way better carb sources than bread..carbs. two types.white carbs (simple carbs)..(white rice white potatoes white bread) and wheat, or complex, (brown rice sweet potatoes oatmeal.)..the only time you really should be eating white or simple carbs is 1.) first thing in the morning, 2.) after exercise..otherwise try to stick to wheat stuff, (complex carbs)..they dont spike your insulin levels as sharp, more like a steady release over hours.. man im full of this information and ill just keep going and going


Well-Known Member
with exercise, its been proven many times over and again that HIIT is superior over steady state. they both have their place but for fat loss cardio.. id use HIIT, its high intensity interval training,, this is how it works..on a bike or running or eliptical or whatever.. i use a stationary bike. so 15 seconds hardcore fast as you can, then 45 seconds pedaling slow, or completely resting..well that cycle for two weeks then you do 20 or 25 seconds hard/fast and 40 or 35 seconds resting or slowly running/pedaling whatever. id use two week cycles..eventually youll condition yourself to like 45 on 15 off.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all.

Kettlebells is something I've seen just never had the knowledge to pick one up the gym. I'll look into it. Prob a better all body workout than me attempting some kind of split.

I'll Defo try making some wraps but anything I cook tends to be bland and boring. Are store bought dressings and mayo's cool to use?

Dude, you obv know what the fuck you're on about. You think I should look for an all body workout I can do 2-3 times a week rather than a 4 day split, blasting different muscle groups each time?


Well-Known Member
I could actually eo with a bit of advice from anyone who has a little weights or gym knowledge.

So 3 of my friends are into weights and do a 4 day split. I went on Tue and worked chest and bi's with them, obv at a Much lower weight but I'm still sore and it's two days later.

Spoke to them and they can't see by their own regimes and think I should work out with them but I think my aims are totally different.

I don't want to bulk just get a bit stronger, fitter and faster. Been playing football again and although it's great cardio I'm just not as good as I used to be or want to be.

I'm getting injured more aswell and recovery is long and sore. Is it just my age or should I just try and power through in the knowledge it'll get easier?

I'm 30 now.
i would definitely not!! you need to easily work into it over maybe two weeks, build your weight back up, youll definitely get injured way easier if you jump right back in with the weight you stopped at when you stopped lifting..if trying not to bulk just define and shed some fat i would cardio and weight train with light weights and high rep range..between 12-15.


Well-Known Member
with exercise, its been proven many times over and again that HIIT is superior over steady state. they both have their place but for fat loss cardio.. id use HIIT, its high intensity interval training,, this is how it works..on a bike or running or eliptical or whatever.. i use a stationary bike. so 15 seconds hardcore fast as you can, then 45 seconds pedaling slow, or completely resting..well that cycle for two weeks then you do 20 or 25 seconds hard/fast and 40 or 35 seconds resting or slowly running/pedaling whatever. id use two week cycles..eventually youll condition yourself to like 45 on 15 off.
I'm playing 5's. Which is like high intensity soccer with small teams and lots of stop , start sprints.

I'm injuring myself more than I used to though. Hoping the gym will help

Edit : never done any real free weights type program, just messed about on machines but I'm starting to agree their regime is not for me.


Well-Known Member
what i would do is in the beginning figure out an all body split, but one day on one day off you need alot of rest, your body isnt used to it..and all body split maybe a week or two, then start focusing on muscle groups, i break it down MONchest and tricep, TUESoff/only cardio WED back and bicep THURS shoulders and traps FRI legs/cardio..and abs on your off days with your cardio..always do larger muscle groups first, chest before triceps and back before bicep..


Staff member
Thanks all.

Kettlebells is something I've seen just never had the knowledge to pick one up the gym. I'll look into it. Prob a better all body workout than me attempting some kind of split.

I'll Defo try making some wraps but anything I cook tends to be bland and boring. Are store bought dressings and mayo's cool to use?

Dude, you obv know what the fuck you're on about. You think I should look for an all body workout I can do 2-3 times a week rather than a 4 day split, blasting different muscle groups each time?
No. make your own dressings its easy
if you use mayo do it in moderation to be honest

heres a few

I did insanity by shaun T and lost a considerable amount of weight but also gained muscle


Well-Known Member
pre and post workout nutrition is important as well..before make sure you have approx 30 g protein and about 30 g carbs, i weigh like 200 so i do more than that but anyyywayyyss..make sure your carb source pre is slow digesting carbs, sweet potato brown rice to last you through the exercise, (i usually have a carb/stim supplement during workout) and then post workout you want white carbs and protein to refill, but just for the post workout meal, then resume normal daily carb operations lol..my pre/post workout is like this.. approx 90 min before:
7 oz sweet potato
2/3 cup oatmeal
6 eggs
maybe 4 oz of chicken or fish

then 25 min before supplements including whey protein and whatever else i may be taking

then after:
8 oz white potato, white rice- (to equal between 40-50 g carbs)
7 oz lean protein, chicken, fish
casein/whey mix for the long lasting casein protein as well as the immediate in the whey.

EDIT: ^^with mayo i only use reduced fat, its usually soybean oil which gross. or the olive oil mayo. in olive oil those are actually healthy fats, use sparingly but still i get like 75-90 g fat a day, i usually take shots of it lol. but i also weigh more than avg and my exercise intensity is pretty high.