rockwell vs jiffy puck


Well-Known Member
hey guys i always start my seeds in dirt and transplant into hydro setup but im looking to try starting seeds in rockwell cubes and jiffy pucks now but having no luck, i have one of those seedling trays with heating pad and everything dont know what im doing wrong.i have the pucks and cubes so whatever one is easiest ill use that. do you guys have any advice on these 2 starters :weed:


Well-Known Member
ew!!!!! i wouldnt use neither. i'd get myself some coco starter plugs and/or rapidrooters!!!

if you have the heat mat on with the humidity dome on....they should pop in 24 hours - 48 hours.

dont DROWN THEM....although it should be moist


Well-Known Member
i pop my beans in rapidrooters or coco starters put the dome on the tray and sit it on the heating mat and they pop within a day or two!!

they stay in the propagation tray for a week or two let them grow up a bit and transplant them


Well-Known Member
Al B Fuct is the source for using the rockwool cubes. Bongjockey, Al's friend is watching his op will Al is on vacation and will be happy to help you if he isn't being deluged by others folks asking him. I used the peet pellets for the blue's seeds I planted, not because I like them better, and show the first and second transplant in my journal, I use coco-coir as my medium, and I was confident I wouldn't get a lot of 'washout' from the peet pellets. I was right, it has worked just fine, some of thiose plants are 4 1/2 ' tall now.
My favorite medium for cutting and seeds is the 'Rapid Rooters' Loud blunts has mentioned, all of the methods work if you use them correctly. Overwater is the number one problem and number two is underwatering. I'm guessing that proper watering is the most important thing?? VV