Rockwool medium, fungus?


Active Member
there is 4 plants in one box, the box is constantly at 76 degrees. The plants are on a drip system and the medium they're sitting in is a combination of rockwool cubes and clay balls. its all sitting under a 400w MH.

On the rockwool cubes a dark green fungus is starting to form, and on some others, white fungus. i removed all the infected cubes but im not sure what to do now..

i was just wondering if anybody could help me prevent this from happening again?


Well-Known Member
if your cubes are sitting on the hydroton or at all exposed i should say, leave the side plastics on them and get some block covers so they are fully covered. the green stuff is green algae and for the white stuff i used to think it was powdery mildew but came to find out it was just a salt build up, here is a pic of how i do mine in veg in my rockwools 3x3x3 so you can see light cant get in anywhere, high intensity light and moist objects dont go well together.



Active Member
I also noticed 2 gnats flying around them today, i did some reading on block covers, would a couple of those fix the gnat problem as well?


Well-Known Member
I also noticed 2 gnats flying around them today, i did some reading on block covers, would a couple of those fix the gnat problem as well?
not sure man i have a fly problem, which sucks cause i cant use chemical repellents, but they really dont seem to bother my plants to much, sometimes they get in my room but i will try my hardest to hunt them down and kill them. mine are just regular house flys though. try the covers though it will prably help a ton with all your problems they are cheap and work great.


Well-Known Member
Haiz bong. I was just wondering what kind of environment do you have your girlz in? How old are they now? I would definately take drgreen's advice with the covering of the rockwool. I did the same when my plants were extremely small and it seemed to work fine ;) As far as the gnats go you have some options. 1 would be to cover their prey(rockwool) 2 would be to do some pest-proofing around your grow area before you get a bigger issue and 3 ALL OF THE ABOVE. Not sure on the block covers. Try to keep your grow area well-ventilated as well. That should help. Im sure others will have other options for you as well. Good luck and happy growing :D


Well-Known Member
Kill the gnats dead with either a Azamax drench (1 Tbl per gallon) or Pygantic 5.0 drench (2oz per gallon) Repeat in 1 week.

Pygantic is the shit if u can find it but azamax works good too.

Good luck