
I know this is usch a noob question but should i push seed all the way to bottom of rockwool or leave like i currently have i just pushed them in a little and covered:wall:


Well-Known Member
Whenever i used to put em in close to the bottom id always end up having to fix the seedling due to the tap root just swirling about. Now i just barely put it in as deep as the seed is long and cover with a thin layer of rw.


Well-Known Member
Thats where i have been keeping mine in the seed stage. Just remember that just because the room is that hot doesnt neccesarilly mean the rw is. For instance my room (closet) is at 88 but the RW temp is around 82.
Thats where i have been keeping mine in the seed stage. Just remember that just because the room is that hot doesnt neccesarilly mean the rw is. For instance my room (closet) is at 88 but the RW temp is around 82.
ah ok i have just been wondering whether i have them wet enough in such temps