....Rollitup REPTILE owners thread....


Well-Known Member
my aunt has one, she is 65 now (the turtle is) im gunna ask for it wen she goes...ITS VICIOUS!!!!!! if u come with in reach, it will take a few fingers off...the dog learded the hard way...lost his LIFE!! the things awesome! its caged now after killing the bourde, she still loves it. and people usualy get rid of them because they eat like savages!! she feads her 4 heads of lettuce a day!
Thats cazy as hell, I knew they would fight with each other if you got two males together, but I had no idea they would kill a dog. I guess thats yet another reason to not sell something like that in a pet store. Was it a big dog? How big is your aunt's tortise at 65 years old?


Well-Known Member
That thing is awesome,If I ever get the money together I'll probably buy one.

I had a crazy looking gecko a while back but the 1st time I took him out the cage to show him to someone he took the fuck off and was never seen again lol.That was a sad day,I loved that thing.It was way faster then I expected.He even bit the fuck out the lady at the pet store when I bought him.


Well-Known Member
im still yet to have mine even NIP at me, even wen hes all pissed off at the cat walkin by, he just tries to hide behing me. i guess the veiled chameleons r MEAN tho! i hear about veiled aggressiveness all the time. the panthers r the nice ones, OH and the parsons, but the parsons are about 3000 dollars....

this is from an add for a parsons...

Mr Big. He is 5 years old 100% healthy, eats and drinks very well is at ease with people. He has fathered a clutch of eggs last year. Looking for 2800 for him.



Well-Known Member
got rid of the cage and my cham couldnt be happier! he hasnt went a dull color all day since i made it for him...


Well-Known Member
NEGATIVE! if they like where they are at, they STAY! thats the beauty. he just roams his area and does his hunting thing for th worms and crickets that are on the vines. he enjoys the HELL out of his area.
nice new pics of the panther fuzzy! i really like the free range, i just switched mine to the same, hes a wanderer though so i need to escape proof it somehow. I know you on the chameleon forums so i thought you'd enjoy this link. if you look close you can see his grow closet to the left of his cham! WE ARE NOT ALONE haha he also mention how he uses FOX FARMS for the bottom of his cage haha. i HAD to send him a PM with a link to this reptile thread and hopefully he'll post some pics of what hes got growin on... anyways PEACE and keep on growing plants and animals!!


Well-Known Member
so i went to the pet store. they have chameleons. i was going to pick up a book on them. they had every book but that one. so i came home and started researching. poor little guys only live 3 years. about the time i'd really get into it, it would die. how do you all deal with this? :(