Romney and drugs...


Well-Known Member
It is said by many that under a Romney administration there will be a ban on tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and the vast majority of drugs. It is believed that he will just outright outlaw carbonated beverages such as Pepsi and Coke in order to appease his spiritual masters at the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Mormon Hierarchy who disapprove of any and all drugs. Am I the only one to hear this? The plan is to treat Pepsi like a schedule 1 drug making it the equivalent of marijuana and other drugs. Imagine the DEA kicking in your door because you have a lb. of coffee in the cupboard. In a Romney America, that is a possibility.

I just wanted to share and give all of you a warning about what happens in a Romney administration.

jessy koons

New Member
Romney has no control over these things. He could appoint an all Mormon cabinet and a Mormon influenced Supreme court but it wouldn't cause these predictions to come true. Do you really believe what you are saying?


Well-Known Member
It is said by many that under a Romney administration there will be a ban on tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and the vast majority of drugs. It is believed that he will just outright outlaw carbonated beverages such as Pepsi and Coke in order to appease his spiritual masters at the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Mormon Hierarchy who disapprove of any and all drugs. Am I the only one to hear this? The plan is to treat Pepsi like a schedule 1 drug making it the equivalent of marijuana and other drugs. Imagine the DEA kicking in your door because you have a lb. of coffee in the cupboard. In a Romney America, that is a possibility.

I just wanted to share and give all of you a warning about what happens in a Romney administration.


Well-Known Member
It is said by many that under a Romney administration there will be a ban on tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and the vast majority of drugs. It is believed that he will just outright outlaw carbonated beverages such as Pepsi and Coke in order to appease his spiritual masters at the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Mormon Hierarchy who disapprove of any and all drugs. Am I the only one to hear this? The plan is to treat Pepsi like a schedule 1 drug making it the equivalent of marijuana and other drugs. Imagine the DEA kicking in your door because you have a lb. of coffee in the cupboard. In a Romney America, that is a possibility.

I just wanted to share and give all of you a warning about what happens in a Romney administration.
Thanks for the heads up.:roll:

Oh....If Obama gets reelected, the moon will fall on the melting icecaps...


Well-Known Member
I don't think he's THAT crazy. However I could see him ramping up the drug war....Republican's are buddy buddy with big pharma...just look at the multi billion (roughly 550 billion dollars through 2015) prescription drug bill Dubya passed in 2003