Ron Paul on Snowden


Well-Known Member
So let me get this right...He was against what our government was doing to its people, so he runs off to a country that treats her people even worst and shares info on what we are doing, how we are doing it and also what we are doing to them. Guy sounds like a paid spy to me.
What info did he share with the Chinese government?


Well-Known Member
What info did he share with the Chinese government?
so far he has shared details on the IP addresses of the computers in Hong Kong and China that the NSA had hacked over the last four years. The detailed data also reveals “whether an attack on a computer was ongoing or had been completed, along with an amount of additional operational information. He sharing details on how we collect our information. Its one thing to inform Americans, but to take his talents to China with info..nope


Well-Known Member
So basically, he told the Chinese government that the US government has been spying on them, who had been spied on, how long they had been spied on, and how the NSA did the spying?

Did he reveal his motives for giving that information to China? Did he make some kind of deal for immunity?


New Member
actually its a popular Communist Party-backed newspaper thats claims he has documents downloaded from the post in hawaii where he worked that showed the U.S. has been hacking into Chinese computer networks for years. He is showing how we do it and what we did. Snowden reportedly went to hong kong with four laptops loaded with top secret documents. You support someone doing this ???
That's all hearsay and I've pointed out in other threads that snowdens decision would not have come lightly.

With Obama's war on whistleblowers I don't blame him for his decision to go to Hong Kong. He's a contractor not in the military, seeing as the NSA is a military organisation staffed by a combination of military personnel and civilian employees. He has no request mast option...

And I doubt he has shown or given anything to china, they aggressively hack you guys too... What did he tell them? The US is spying on you? Because that's a given.

His flight to Hong Kong would probably be to avoid an assange like situation, for had he attempted to go public in the US, we would've never heard a thing.

Look at all the leaks around the bin laden raid? White House announce SEAL TEAM 6 (words that should never have been uttered) a couple of months later you lose a huge chunk of Gold team, CCTs/PJs in a downed Chinook, shot down by our enemies... You got shit coming out in movies because the WH gave producers access.

But lets call snowden a traitor for revealing mass abuse, lacking oversight and a willingness for the higher ups to look the other way while the white house leaks details on "STRATEGIC NATIONAL SECURITY ASSETS"

He's probably got even juicier secrets in his possession, because if I was him, I would have a backup plan and something that could guarantee my safety...