Ron Paul Revolution


Well-Known Member
Med ...

The ONLY reason you have VA benefits is because of citizens like me who voted for them as a way of showing our appreciation of your service. You have no fucking "right" to those benefits at all. They are there because of the kindness of citizens like me. And yes, also like me, you paid into SS all of your life. So what? You and I were forced to pay into a system that returns around 1% on our "investment" dollar. Had your SS "investments" been placed into mutual funds over all those years you'd be a millionaire today ... and wouldn't be suffering from that class envy you're so full of. You socialists revere a SS system that is nothing but a house of cards. The funds have been used for other government projects and there is nothing but IOUs in the trust fund account. You paid into it all of your life and yet, if you die, no part of it can be willed to your spouse or offsprings. It was designed for a population that started recieving SS benefits at age 65 ... and then died at 67. That's your kind, compassionate, benevolent federal government for ya: Forced extraction of SS taxes for our entire working life. When we die, the federal government gets the benefits. Are you trying to tell us there isn't a better way? When will folks like you wake up and realize that every government "benefit" has a hook in it?

No one in the public has ever voted on Veterans benefits. Veterans benefits have been around since before the revolutionary war, and were ordered by the Plymouth Colony in 1635.

VA is not a right, but don't make it look like we the people out of the goodness of our hearts gave them to him.

He earned those benefits! Thank you for your service.

link for the literate


New Member
No one in the public has ever voted on Veterans benefits. Veterans benefits have been around since before the revolutionary war, and were ordered by the Plymouth Colony in 1635.

VA is not a right, but don't make it look like we the people out of the goodness of our hearts gave them to him.

He earned those benefits! Thank you for your service.

link for the literate
Thank you for clearing that up for the Fascist VI. He is extremely against any benefits paid by the government to anyone, but being the Hypocrite that he is, he accepts his SS check every month, while deriding everyone else that does the same. This is one hard headed old geezer that thinks he knows everything, and makes us that do, angry~LOL~.


New Member
I agree that Med and all Vets earned the benefits ... and said as much in my post. And yes, the people DID vote the VA benefits in ... through their elected officials. You won't hear one peep out of me that the benefits were not earned as I would vote against any politician who tried to remove them. It kind of irks me though when anyone just assumes they have a "right" to a benefit or an "entitlement" to one. By the way, here in California, CalVet monies are approved by the people through the ballot.



New Member
I agree that Med and all Vets earned the benefits ... and said as much in my post. And yes, the people DID vote the VA benefits in ... through their elected officials. You won't hear one peep out of me that the benefits were not earned as I would vote against any politician who tried to remove them. It kind of irks me though when anyone just assumes they have a "right" to a benefit or an "entitlement" to one. By the way, here in California, CalVet monies are approved by the people through the ballot.

uuuhhhhh, when did I ever say I had a right to a "Benefit" that I didn't earn? I accept nothing that I didn't earn, what I've earned may not be that much, But I'm fine with it. Who wouldn't want more? If some unearned money came my way, Lottery,.Investment payout, etc., I'm pretty sure I'd accept it, but I don't do food stamps or other govt. handouts.


New Member
For the life of me, Med ... I don't know why you take everything I write so personally. I wasn't referring to you.



New Member
And in addition to what 7x says above, with government insurance, you are dealing with one entity only where there is no competition. Therefore, there is no incentive to keep rates down and quality of the product up. The more insurance companies in the equasion the better IMHO.



New Member
And in addition to what 7x says above, with government insurance, you are dealing with one entity only where there is no competition. Therefore, there is no incentive to keep rates down and quality of the product up. The more insurance companies in the equasion the better IMHO.

Uhhh, the rates go up every year and the quality goes down, I guess that competitive thing really doesn't apply to medical insurance, does it? The only thing that applies is maximising profits.


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, the rates go up every year and the quality goes down, I guess that competitive thing really doesn't apply to medical insurance, does it? The only thing that applies is maximising profits.
take your socialized medicine lies to another thread.

our rates haven't gone up in years. the quality sure as hell hasn't gone down either. maybe in all those states that harbor illegal aliens it goes down, but so does everything there. send those criminals packing and tell your corrupt politicians to obey the law before you cry about wanting them to give you more handouts to offset their other hand outs to criminals who shouldn't be here.

FYI: competition makes plants stronger. competition makes people stronger. competition is good. lack of competition is a way for the lazy and stupid to feel like they made something of themselves.



Well-Known Member
Hahaha it is good to see you guys mixing it up. (Vi, med and 7x)!
I was off line for a while and I missed this site the most.

Of course med, you are woefully incorrect. and I could not disagree more strenuously with your point of view...:joint:

Competition is the means by which Humans achieve excellence in all endeavors.


Well-Known Member
I think that people who criticize "pure free markets" in the health care system as evil are the people who aren't able to conceive of themselves as being part of it. They don't understand the equalizingforce of returning to a market where the big insurance companies can face competition, instead of participating in lucrative government contracts secured by slimy lobbyist firms.
Also, small businesses would pay the same tax rates as large corporations and their survival guarantees the competition necessary to keep prices down.

Government programs kill competition. If the administrators (corporations) happen to be good, then the system rocks. But this never happens. If their CEO's pocket all the cash and they hire people simply to find clerical errors in year-old applications to keep your money, they are legal thieves. And you're forced to support it with exorbitant taxes that secure empire and little else.

Would anyone like to link our funding problems for social programs with our foreign policy and monetary policy? If you can connect A,B and C, you'll understand what Ron Paul is talking about.


New Member
Of course med, you are woefully incorrect. and I could not disagree more strenuously with your point of view...:joint:

So nothing has changede then, you are still the same old plutocratic fascist.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Vi!! is good to be back....I can see that med is employing his same basic strategy of name calling in lieu of, I have at least noticed that your posts appear to be slightly less loaded with vitriol.
Also, med, your ability to reason with logic and sound judgement is still stunningly absent.
But this is what makes med, med!!!!:joint:

I am glad to see posts by some newcomers to this forum....good post above, clekstro!:blsmoke:


New Member
Thanks Vi!! is good to be back....I can see that med is employing his same basic strategy of name calling in lieu of, I have at least noticed that your posts appear to be slightly less loaded with vitriol.
Also, med, your ability to reason with logic and sound judgement is still stunningly absent.
But this is what makes med, med!!!!:joint:

I am glad to see posts by some newcomers to this forum....good post above, clekstro!:blsmoke:
So calling my judgement unsound and un-logical is your way of name calling, Just a little more subtle. I find my reasoning abilities to be every bit as cohesive as yours and VIs, just that since I won't walk lockstep down your fascist paths, you must trumpet your supposed superior reasoning abilities. I find this rather annoying and really, beneath your supposed dignity, Hence the tendecy to let a spade be called a spade. If you look like an asshole, smell like an asshole and sound like an asshole, guess what, your odds of being one are pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Today Ron Paul has raised over $2,000,000!! that's right, TODAY!

please help out, let's tell the elite that America is not a nation of fools, we're not going to settle for what they stand for and we want a voice.

again, please donate any amount that you can afford for the greatest cause this country has faced in many generations. encourage everyone you know to donate today, the 5th of November.
